Correct wearing on hands contributes to the good development of the baby's motor activity. There are several ways to move a child in your arms, depending on his age.

Step 1
Wearing it by weight is ideal for babies from 0 to 3 months. Take your baby so that he is lying in your arms. Support your neck and back of your head with one hand and your buttocks with the other. In this case, the baby's head should be directed forward with an extended neck, and the body should be slightly bent. Hands and feet are free. To avoid the child's one-sidedness, take it alternately with your left and right hand.
Step 2
Holding "on hand" is optimal for a child from 3 to 6 months. Place your baby back against you on your arm so that his head rests on your shoulder. Press the legs together with your other hand. The kid in this position feels safe and can look at everything that is around.
Step 3
Wearing "in front of the belly" is very convenient for a baby from 7 months. Hold the baby in front of you in a prone position and turn him slightly on his side. At this age, the baby begins to learn to crawl. One part of the body is tensed, while the arms and legs are directed forward or backward. The second part of the body at this time bends, the corresponding elbow and knee approach each other. Wearing it “in front of the belly” promotes the development of crawling skills in the baby.
Step 4
From the 10th month of a child's life, it can be worn "on its side". This method is very beneficial for the spine. Usually at this age, the baby begins to learn to sit down on his own, so he can be carried on his side in a sitting position. At the same time, support him with your shoulder, body and hand at the same time. Do it as follows: turn the child's torso forward so that one of his hands is on your chest, and the other he can move freely. Support his back with your forearm, and with your hand, support his knee in a slightly bent state. The child's other foot should cover your back. Carry your baby in this way on one side or the other. Even if the child already knows how to sit, this method of movement has a beneficial effect on the spine, making it more flexible.