Early toxicosis is positioned as an allergic reaction of the mother's body to the fetus. The mechanism of this phenomenon boils down to the fact that the maternal organism regards the fetus developing in it as a foreign body, which is manifested by an autoimmune reaction. By the end of the first trimester or by the middle of the second, this "defense system" falls asleep and does not interfere with the further development of the fetus.

Why does toxicosis occur?
Frequent causes of early toxicosis are overwork, stressful situations, hormonal disorders, various exacerbated chronic diseases, and craniocerebral trauma.
Symptoms of toxicosis
The main symptoms of early toxicosis are drowsiness, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, as a result of which weight loss is possible.
What to do with toxicosis
To alleviate the condition, you need to eat often - eat 5-6 times a day, avoid feeling hungry, because an empty stomach can aggravate the feeling of nausea. It is recommended to exclude from the diet all foods that make it cloudy.
You can drink a lot. Allowed ordinary alkaline mineral water, rosehip infusion, prepared by yourself, cranberry juice, tomato, grapefruit juices or just warm water with honey and lemon juice.
Breakfast is best taken in bed. Waking up and not getting out of bed, you can have a snack with crackers, crackers or dried fruits.
Sour foods, sour fruits and dairy products help a lot.
Alternatively, suck on hard candy or frozen fruit juice.
Often and a lot to be in the fresh air, away from strong odors, less often to visit shops, sleep up to ten hours a day.
To distract from thoughts about health and from irritability, mood swings, you can take up a hobby or master something from needlework.
To alleviate the condition, the doctor may prescribe some medications, among them hepatoprotectors, magnesium preparations, prescribe physiotherapy (for example, electrosleep), or leave them under observation in a day hospital.
When to see a doctor for toxicosis
Be sure to contact the antenatal clinic in the following conditions:
- vomiting more than 5 times a day;
- weight loss;
- dehydration;
- loose bloody stools;
- painful sensations when urinating;
- pain in the abdomen or lower back;
- weakness and fainting;
- headaches;
- high temperature.