Cleaning the nose of a little baby is a very responsible business and, at first, exciting for a young mother. The basic rule applies here: do not touch the nose again unnecessarily.

It is necessary
- cotton wool for the manufacture of flagella or cotton swabs with stops,
- sterile vegetable oil or liquid paraffin.
Step 1
It is important to note that the less frequent cleaning procedures, the better. The fact is that the body itself regulates the amount of moisture, including on the nasal mucosa. If the nose is dry, crusts have formed, it is difficult for the baby to breathe and eat, it is necessary to soften the nasal mucosa. To do this, use cotton swabs with restraints or cotton filaments moistened with sterile vegetable (heated in a water bath for 20 minutes) or vaseline oil. In this case, you must act carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the nose.
Step 2
The flagella are twisted from cotton wool in this way: cotton wool is wound onto a match or toothpick, but not tightly, then the match (toothpick) is pulled out and the flagellum is twisted tighter. You should immediately prepare more flagella so that they are always at hand.
Step 3
If you are afraid to use sticks or flagella, you can simply drip Aquamaris or another similar product into your nose and just wait until the crusts soften and come out on their own.
Step 4
Sometimes the cause of dry nose is hot and dry air, so you should try to get a humidifier in the nursery or just put a container of water near the baby's crib.
Step 5
When crusts form in the nose, some pediatricians advise giving your baby more to drink. Hot, but not too hot, milk or tea will also help soften the crust layer.
Step 6
If, on the contrary, it is wet in the nose, the crumbs have congestion or runny nose, use a special suction bulb with a soft tip or an aspirator. These devices must be used with great care, as the pressure they generate can damage the vessels. In addition, it is not recommended to abuse suction agents, as they dry out the nasal mucosa.