Young parents often have to deal with colic in a newborn, and they have an idea of how much discomfort this gives the child. It is not always clear what needs to be done in such a situation. But in reality, fighting colic is very easy.

Treatment of colic in newborns
One of the best ways to combat intestinal colic in babies is to take a walk in the fresh air. To do this, you need to put the baby in a sling or stroller and go out for a walk. Walking and fresh air help both mom and baby calm down.
Special relaxing baths are quite effective in treating colic in a baby. It is necessary to bathe the child before going to bed by adding a herbal decoction to the water. After the umbilical wound in a newborn has completely healed, it is recommended to spread it on the tummy before feeding. Due to such a simple procedure, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract can be normalized.
In the process of feeding, it is still necessary to carefully monitor the baby so that he does not have the opportunity to swallow air. Quite often, it is aerophagia that is the cause of colic in a newborn. In order to prevent the development of aerophagia, the child should be kept upright for several minutes after and before feeding.
Also, to reduce pain in the baby, it is important to warm his tummy. This is done with a well-ironed warm diaper. To do this, you need to put the baby with his tummy on his stomach and gently stroke his back. To fight the accumulated gases in the intestines of the newborn, a gentle massage of the abdomen, as well as specific postures of carrying the baby, helps. For example, you can bring the baby's legs to your belly and hold them in this position for a while.
If these techniques do not work, you can try giving your child dill water, fennel infusion, or a special herbal tea for children. If the baby does not drink water yet, the mother needs to drink the same dill water, this helps if the baby is still feeding on breast milk.
How to prevent colic
For the prevention of colic in newborns, it is important not to feed the baby if it can be seen that his tummy has hardened. It is then that gases collect in the intestines. First, it is important to get rid of this problem and only then can you start feeding.
To avoid colic, it is important to be able to properly attach the baby to the breast during breastfeeding. This allows you to avoid excess air entering the child's body, due to which painful sensations appear. To be sure, after the baby has eaten, you should raise and hold him, pressing his tummy to you.