At least 70% of newborns suffer from this scourge. This problem is one of the biggest faced by young parents after the birth of a baby.

Doctors cannot pinpoint the exact cause of colic in babies. Someone believes that the fault is in the imperfection of the nervous system. Others associate colic with swallowing air during feeding. And still others believe that the nutrition of the mother, who is breastfeeding, is to blame.
It has been noticed that boys are more likely to suffer from colic, and often colic appears mainly in the evenings.
Mom's diet for breastfeeding
If your baby is crying inconsolably and nothing helps, then first of all pay attention to what the mother eats. After analyzing her diet over the past day, mom can identify a product that causes colic.
Also, chocolate, mushrooms, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, apples, black bread, fresh white bread, grapes, onions, bananas, milk, coffee, tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes and sauerkraut should be excluded from the diet. Stick to the principles of separate nutrition, but not radical, but a more moderate form.
Air in the stomach
Air congestion in the stomach is also a common cause of colic. The child is in pain, the abdomen becomes hard and swollen.
Make sure that no air gets into your baby's stomach while sucking. You should also give the child the opportunity to regurgitate air, not only after feeding, when the stomach is already filled with milk, but also during.
Binge eating
The sucking reflex in newborns is very developed, babies may constantly demand to suck something. Nowadays, on-demand feeding is common, and mums may confuse the urge to eat with the continuous need to suck. This leads to overeating, which can also cause colic.
Remember that adding more milk will only make your stomach pain worse. Do not breastfeed your baby for comfort. In this case, the nipple may be the solution.