Sleep is essential for newborn babies. Parents need to try to comply with the daily sleep rate, depending on the age of the child.

Ideal daily routine for a newborn
It is very difficult for a newborn baby to achieve a clear daily routine. The kid is just getting used to living and for him it is a huge burden, but disorder must not be allowed. It is important to maintain your daily sleep rate. It is 18-20 hours. At night, the toddler can wake up to eat on average 2-3 times. After a few months, when the baby gets used to it a little, he can sleep 2 hours less a day, that is, 16-18 hours.
For a newborn, it makes no difference when to wake up or fall asleep. Therefore, the best option would be to try to accustom the baby to the family daily routine. Of course, you will have to listen to the baby's biorhythms. A clearer regime will be established after three months.
Restless sleep of a newborn and its causes
They say about sound healthy sleep - "like a baby's." But a nursing baby wakes up several times during the night.
The baby closes his eyes and falls asleep. His face depicts cute grimaces. This period is called the superficial sleep phase or active phase. Its duration is on average about 40 minutes. During this time, some children may seem sound asleep, others twitch their eyeballs, move their arms, legs, and shudder, which confuses parents. It is very easy to wake up the child at such moments.
This is followed by a deep sleep phase. Outwardly, it can be distinguished by a relaxed posture, a calm facial expression. The duration of this period in newborns is no more than an hour, but as the baby grows up, the duration will increase.
In monthly babies, superficial and deep dreams alternate up to 6 times per night. At the same time, the active phase of sleep prevails, so the baby wakes up even with a slight irritant. Such as hunger, for example, or your own involuntary movements, flinching.
Mom should not be afraid to take the baby to her bed after he wakes up at night. She will be able to caress and feed him, and he will quickly fall asleep.
It often happens that a mother, having just laid her seemingly sleeping child in the crib, leaves the room, and immediately hears a cry, announcing that the baby is awake. Most likely, the baby has not yet had time to plunge into a deep sleep. It is worth spending a little more time with your child than usual.
The bed is not a place to play
The reason for sleep deprivation in young dads and mothers is often night games when the baby wakes up and is awake for a long time. If this becomes a habit, then the parents will forget about normal sleep. One explanation is that the child is taught to play on the bed, and he considers it a field of entertainment. It is important to make it clear to the baby that the bed is a place to sleep.
Of course, there are more serious reasons that prevent a newborn from sleeping. First of all, it is a pain in the tummy, a stuffy nose.