What To Do If The Baby Does Not Breastfeed

What To Do If The Baby Does Not Breastfeed
What To Do If The Baby Does Not Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is most natural for a baby, and sucking skills are instinctive. But the establishment of this important process does not always go smoothly. The baby may refuse to breastfeed both immediately after birth and at a later period.

Breast refusal is often temporary
Breast refusal is often temporary

Physiological causes

In the case of a successful delivery without complications, the baby will quickly begin to look for the breast in a few minutes and will easily take it if it is applied directly in the delivery room. If this does not happen, a number of physiological reasons are possible. In this case, the pathology can be easily determined by the doctor.

Sometimes mom may have problems. For example, a too large nipple, or a concave shape that makes it difficult to grip. In addition, some medications (diphenhydramine, morphine) that were given to a woman in labor can interfere with the establishment of feeding. In this case, the baby may refuse to breast, but after a few hours the situation will stabilize.

Much more often, a newborn does not breastfeed if the problem is not with the mother, but with himself. Only a baby who breathes easily can suckle well. Difficulty breathing or removing mucus too quickly can make breastfeeding difficult.

One of the most common problems - a short sublingual frenulum - requires surgery. But if this is the reason, the baby is unlikely to give up the breast completely: it will simply not be easy for him to do it right.

Late breastfeeding

It happens that the baby stops breastfeeding when breastfeeding, it would seem, has long been established. If the child is healthy, try to find out the cause and find an appropriate solution.

1. Milk taste has changed (due to changes in diet, medication, strength training). If breastfeeding is important to you, make the milk taste the same and offer the baby to breast again.

2. You are bottle feeding your baby. It is much easier to suck liquid from a bottle than from a breast, so the baby can become lazy. Try spoon feeding the baby, and start giving the bottle only when lactation is fully restored. Remember that with proper breastfeeding and good weight gain in the first months of life, a healthy baby does not need additional food or water.

3. You have been away for a while and it has become stressful for the baby. You could not be for an hour or several days: in different situations this can become real stress for the baby, and he will refuse to breast. Be patient and calm: everything will work out.

Such reasons for breast refusal can be called temporary. They have nothing to do with truly stopping lactation, so it's up to you to get it right.

To get your baby to start breastfeeding again, stay alone with him in a calm environment. Make sure nothing is bothering him. Wrap him in a warm diaper and hold him close to restore body contact. Speak affectionate words, touch and hug your baby. It is better for the baby to be a little hungry and sleepy, then the return to breastfeeding will be more successful.
