How To Treat Tonsillitis In Children

How To Treat Tonsillitis In Children
How To Treat Tonsillitis In Children

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At least once in a lifetime, every person has had tonsillitis, the acute form of which is known to everyone as tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can also turn into a chronic form, which is characterized by periodic inflammation of the palatine tonsils after hypothermia, stress, and other reasons. There are many ways to treat tonsillitis in children: these are folk remedies, and conservative treatments, and even operating ones.

How to treat tonsillitis in children
How to treat tonsillitis in children

It is necessary

  • • Salt, water, soda, iodine.
  • • Lugol's solution or any other anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent for irrigation of the tonsils and throat.


Step 1

The first and very important thing to do if a child is sick with tonsillitis is to see a doctor. Most likely, the doctor will send you for tests: sowing from the tonsils to the state of the microflora in order to determine the bacteria that causes a sore throat. After that, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and procedures.

Step 2

One of the main procedures for treating tonsillitis is washing (rinsing) the inflamed tonsils. For this purpose, prepare the following solution: 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda, 1 drop of iodine solution, pour warm water. Gargle with this solution every 2-3 hours. Such a procedure at an early stage of the disease can prevent the development of the disease. But this is natural, provided that the child already knows how to rinse his mouth.

Step 3

After washing the tonsils, lubricate them with Lugol's solution or a similar preparation. This will help stop the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, temporarily eliminate sore throat, and also start the anti-inflammatory process.

Step 4

If the disease is actively progressing, you should think about taking antibiotics, or if you have no desire to deal with aggressive antibiotics, turn to homeopathy.
