The benefits of swimming are undeniable for a person at any age, but for a developing child's body, regular exercise in this sport is simply necessary. Surprisingly, swimming is the kind of physical exercise that can be learned in the earliest period of life, when it is still difficult for a child to perform other physical exercises on land.

How does swimming affect the child's body
You can start doing this sport while breastfeeding. Kids quickly get used to the water and easily begin to dive, holding their breath for several minutes. Swimming regularly has a noticeable strengthening effect, since these children hardly get colds. In addition, "floating" babies are physically much stronger than others - they have well-developed muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and arms. They begin to crawl, stand and walk earlier, they are distinguished by better coordination of movements and motor skills. Regular exercises in the pool have a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, develop the heart muscle, and tone the child's skin. They help to forget forever about such infant problems as hyper- and hypotension, anemia and rickets.
Children, even such kids, love swimming and, as a rule, always go to the pool with pleasure. These children have excellent appetite, sleep soundly and their nervous system is more balanced, they are less capricious and cry less often. Swimming helps to form in them from childhood such useful character traits as discipline, independence, the ability to quickly make decisions and respond to a change of environment, courage and decisiveness.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of swimming during the formation of the musculoskeletal system. In the aquatic environment, there are no static loads on the musculature of the skeleton, and loads on the spinal column are also minimized. Swimming contributes to an even distribution of tension in the muscular frame, which has the most positive effect on the formation of correct posture. For a child who has already "earned" scoliosis, the doctor will certainly advise a regular visit to the pool.
Negative impact of pool visits
It is worth dwelling on those negative aspects that are associated with visiting artificial reservoirs - swimming pools. The fact is that according to the indisputable standards approved by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the water in the pool is chlorinated without fail. Chlorine, in turn, can cause mutations at the gene level and cause cancer and severe allergic reactions. Therefore, bathing in such water should be limited in time and after that it is imperative to take a fresh shower using a washcloth and gel.
Some parents are afraid of infections that can be "picked up" when visiting the pool. But in the water itself, thanks to the presence of chlorine, these infections simply do not survive. The only danger is contact with ladder handrails, pool sides. If you limit it, you can reduce the possibility of infection to zero.