The first three months of a baby's life become a real challenge for the whole family. At this time, there is not only the adaptation of the child to the conditions of the external environment, but also of the parents - to the big changes in the new life. After all, how much now you need to do and do things that you didn’t have to do before - regularly wash diapers and feed the baby at any time of the day or night, wash it, pump and soothe it, eliminate crumbs in the tummy, and more.

In the third month of the baby's life, the mother establishes a daily routine, which gives her the opportunity to harmoniously interact with the child, to have a timely and full rest and to feel the needs of her baby in her heart.
Morning rise and meals
If a three-month-old baby is breastfed, then it will be much easier for mom to wake up in the morning. She will get up at the first call of the baby and immediately give everything that he needs. Artificial feeding dictates its own rules. In the morning, you need to prepare the mixture, so you will have to get up earlier than the child.
It will be correct if the food for the mother will be prepared by relatives and friends. Then she will be able to replenish her strength during feeding the baby or immediately after. But if there was no one around, then you can wait until the little one falls asleep. This usually happens an hour after eating.
It is worth knowing that when breastfeeding, the need for food intake for the mother increases by about two times. Therefore, if you usually eat 3 times a day, while caring for your child, you need to eat healthy and nutritious foods 6 times a day, avoiding harmful excesses and overeating.
It is necessary to observe the behavior of the baby during feedings. If he does not have enough milk, then he starts screaming and worries and does not sleep well. In this case, the mother needs to increase lactation by including the foodstuffs necessary for this in the diet.
Useful walks in the fresh air for the mother and her crumbs should last at least two hours a day. In warm weather, the time for walks can be unlimited. In summer, it is advisable to be with your baby in nature as often as possible, not forgetting about measures of protection from insects and direct sunlight.
It is recommended for mom to sleep during the day - the best way to restore energy and strength. At the age of three months, babies wake up 2-3 times at night to eat breast milk or baby food. So during this period of development of the baby, the mother rarely manages to sleep soundly until the morning.
Gymnastics and massage are a prerequisite for good health and physical development of the child. Mom should learn basic exercises - bend and unbend, bring and spread the baby's legs and arms, easily massage the back and tummy. Therapeutic massage will be helped by a specialist. You can not conduct classes before bedtime and immediately after meals. This can disrupt the baby's biorhythms.
The best time for bathing your baby is before bedtime. It is great if the family has a small pool. But even in a standard bathroom, mom and baby can enjoy bathing together. Water procedures are not only interesting for little crumbs, but also useful. The water should be refreshing, slightly warm and clean. For disinfection, you can add a decoction of celandine or a string to the water.
Good night
Now it's time for bed. Mom prepares a clean bed for her baby. She puts it down, gently strokes it and soothes it in a gentle voice. Some babies fall asleep immediately after feeding, and some need a few more minutes of mom's warmth.
Then mom takes her wonderful creation in her arms and gently rocks it, singing a magic lullaby. The kid fell asleep. Now it's time for mom to close her eyes and calmly rest.
Relatives and friends should surround the mother of a 3-month-old baby with their attention and care, help her with household chores. After all, it has long been known that a healthy and calm mother is a healthy and happy baby.