The daily routine of a 10 month old baby consists of a series of feedings, sleep and wakefulness. The child needs to sleep for a total of 13-15 hours per day, the periods of wakefulness should not exceed 2, 5-3, 5 hours, and the interval between feedings should be 2-4 hours.

Each child has its own regime
There are no clear guidelines for all children. However, this is not necessary, since each child has his own temperament, character and grows in his own unique conditions and family traditions. It is not for nothing that the WHO (and our mothers in the majority agree with this organization) recommends feeding on demand. This means that the child eats when he wants and as much as he wants. Since it is impossible to predict the child's wishes, it makes no sense to draw up a clear daily routine.
However, a few months after birth, one way or another, each baby develops its own daily routine. In fact, it is convenient for parents, because habits are formed and consolidated in the child. In addition, by 10 months, babies consume several complementary foods, the introduction of which makes more demands on the daily regimen of the mother and child.
Come from complementary foods
So, complementary foods should gradually replace breastfeeding from the daily diet of a 10-month-old baby. For the gradual extinction of lactation, it is better to alternate complementary foods and breastfeeds. Based on this, by 10 months a child has an average of 3 complementary foods. It is recommended to keep at least 2 hours between complementary foods and breastfeeding.
Daytime sleep for a baby at this age should be 2-3 times, it usually follows after feedings. At night, the baby sleeps for about 9 hours. At the same time, he can eat up to 5 times a night. Night feedings occur half asleep. The child begins to toss and turn, sometimes squeak - then he is offered a breast.
Based on the current picture of feeding and sleep, it is necessary to distribute 1-2 walks in the fresh air between them, periods of waking at home, games, exercises and hygiene procedures. So, bathing is best done before bedtime, and massage and gymnastics in the morning. However, you can also give your baby a light relaxing massage at night. If you are teaching a child to dive in the bathroom, then the training is best done in the morning, after waking up, before eating.
Babies usually sleep well on walks, so plan them right after feeding so that you can return home for another meal when finished. Distribute active, emotional (in the morning) and calm (in the evening) among home games.
Approximate Mode
Based on the above, an approximate regimen of an average healthy child will look like this:
8.00 - waking up, washing (training with diving)
9.00 - complementary foods
10.00 - first daytime sleep
11.00 - massage, gymnastics
11.30 - home games
12.00 - 13.00 - breastfeeding
13.00 - first walk, second daytime nap
15.00 - 16.00 - complementary foods
16.00 - home games
18.00 - breastfeeding
19.00 - second walk, third daytime nap
20.00 - home games
21.00 - 22.00 - complementary foods
23.00 - getting ready for bed, hygiene procedures
24.00 - breastfeeding
24.00 - 8.00 - sleep, 2-5 night feedings