Communication plays a leading role in a child's development. Friends, as a rule, appear in kindergarten, in the courtyard of the house where the baby lives, and then at school. If a child does not want to communicate with peers or if he is unable to communicate in terms of communication, it is necessary to help him.

It is necessary
- - children's books about friendship;
- - cartoons about friendship;
- - conversations with the child on the topic of friendship with peers;
- - children's birthdays;
- - personal example of friendly relations;
- - visiting circles, special children's groups, kindergarten;
- - visit to the playground in the courtyard of the house
Step 1
Observe your child's relationships with other children. By the age of two, it becomes insufficient for him to communicate only with his family. Parents should not prevent the baby from reaching out to peers. Attending various developmental events, sections or circles plays a huge role in the development of communication skills. In almost every city there are groups in which experienced teachers work with children who have not yet attended kindergarten. It is there that they are taught to communicate with each other.
Step 2
Visit the playground with your child in the courtyard of the house, as it also acts as an area where children learn to communicate. Explain to your baby how to take the first step to get to know each other. Take his hand and meet another child. Let it happen first with your help.
Step 3
Teach your child not to conflict with children, not to be greedy, develop in him the rudiments of generosity. After all, quite often you can observe "battles" for a bucket or a scoop on the playground. Such "communication" can discourage a weaker child ("loser") to establish contacts with other children. Do not stand passively on the sidelines in such situations, be sure to intervene and smooth over the situation.
Step 4
Conduct various conversations at home with your child about the need to be able to listen to others, sympathize with them, empathize, if something bad happens, try to help. In a boy, develop masculinity, a gentlemanly attitude towards girls, in a girl - modesty and femininity.
Step 5
Read to your child more fairy tales, poems, stories about friendship in general, about friendships between children. Watch cartoons on similar topics. Discuss what you read and what you saw.
Step 6
Visit friends who have small children more often. Looking at your communication, the child will follow your example. A positive example will only benefit him, since children love to copy adults.
Step 7
Celebrate your child's birthdays, invite friends of the same age from kindergarten, neighbour's children, circle friends, etc. to the holiday. Arrange "sweet tables", come up with fun games, contests. But do not strive all the time to be an intermediary between your child and other children, give him the opportunity to show independence in actions and actions.