Many children, as they grow up, begin to have complexes about their height. You can improve the situation by raising self-esteem, but in most cases, you should resort to various methods to increase growth rates.

Step 1
Try to predict the child's growth based on your own parameters. Calculate the possible indicators using the formula: for boys - father's height + mother's height x 0, 54-4, 5; for girls - the height of the father + the height of the mother x 0, 51-7, 5. Still, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the final growth of the child, it depends on many factors - genetic, intrauterine, endocrine indicators.
Step 2
Pay attention to the child's nutrition, the presence of infectious and chronic diseases. Often, growth is stimulated by the addition of protein products, vitamins to the diet and an increase in immunity due to immunomodulators. The main danger is endocrine disorders, which include diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland. The factors that slow down growth include heavy physical exertion, stressful situations.
Step 3
Prepare a varied and balanced food, make sure that the child is not hungry. Be sure to cook porridge from any cereal. Give meat and fish daily. Dairy products should appear on the table every day. Offer your child raw vegetables and fruits and herbs three to four times a day.
Step 4
Play sports with your child. It is not necessary to achieve great athletic results, but physical education should be necessary to increase the effectiveness of increasing growth. They stimulate well an increase in indicators of basketball, volleyball. Water procedures: breaststroke swimming, dousing, bath - this irritates the growth zones, allowing the skeleton to be lengthened.
Step 5
Take advantage of special sets of exercises, for example, according to the method of Doctor of Medical Sciences A. I. Berg, thanks to which you can grow up at any age.
Step 6
Teach your child not to focus on his growth, captivate him with something, reveal the ability to music, drawing, sports. He must know that he can do something better than others. The most important thing is the support of loved ones.