Where To Massage A Child - At Home Or In A Clinic?

Where To Massage A Child - At Home Or In A Clinic?
Where To Massage A Child - At Home Or In A Clinic?

Most infants are prescribed massage - in some cases it is really necessary for preventive or therapeutic purposes, and sometimes it is more needed to calm a particularly responsible mother. But as soon as the pediatrician uttered this word, a lot of questions arise, and one of the main ones: where is it better to do massage - at home or in a clinic?

Where to massage a child - at home or in a clinic?
Where to massage a child - at home or in a clinic?

Ideal conditions for a child's massage

Since massage is not just a procedure that is carried out for show, it is important that the effect of it is maximized, and this result can be achieved only if several conditions are met. Firstly, the massage should be carried out when the child is in a good mood, that is, all his main needs must be satisfied - the baby has slept, ate and is clean.

Secondly, the positive effect of massage on the body and development will not appear immediately, but only after a whole cycle of procedures, at least 10 sessions. And, finally, the child should be comfortable, comfortable, and the person with whom the contact occurs should be pleasant to him.

In cases when the child is developing well and does not have health problems, mothers can do a wellness massage to the child themselves.

Massage in the clinic

The massage, which is carried out in the clinic, has quite a lot of advantages - it is qualified personnel, and a conveniently equipped place, and cleanliness. Do not forget that the specialist will promptly tell the mother what aspects of the child's development to pay special attention to. But at the same time, carrying out a massage in a polyclinic is a crucial step, and a woman who decides to do this should understand what she may face.

Firstly, in the clinic, everything can go wrong: the baby can be upset by a loud noise, which is typical for the days of medical examination of high school students, a dirty diaper, unpleasant light from fluorescent lamps. Secondly, in the cool season (in our latitudes it is more than half a year), the child has to be dressed and undressed, and this is often a test for the mother and the baby. Thirdly, in the clinic, like in no other place, there is a high risk of contracting a viral infection, especially during the period of mass illness of children from kindergartens and schools.

For many, going to the clinic with a child is comparable to an exam. You need to have diapers, a supply of clothes and diapers, water or a mixture just in case. In this case, you need to quickly undress and dress the baby, calm him down in time.

Massage for babies at home

At home, no doubt, the child feels better than in an unfamiliar place. But most importantly, his mother will be more comfortable here - you can always feed the baby, wash him, distract him with your favorite toy, so her calmness, lack of irritation and negative emotions are transmitted to the child. In addition, inviting a specialist to the house, you can agree on a convenient time when the baby is most receptive and open to this kind of communication.

As for the minus - this is, of course, the price. Not a single masseuse from the district clinic will go home for free, and it is advisable to do the procedure at least 10 times. But, if parents can afford the services of a specialist, it is worth making sure that they have a diploma, ask for recommendations from other moms and dads (or get a phone number "by inheritance") and get acquainted in advance.
