Children are very susceptible to the evil eye, because they are very gullible and open. They are drawn to anyone who drew attention to them. Due to the lack of life experience, they cannot understand people and do not know who is good and who is bad. There are a number of recommendations to help protect your baby from the evil eye.

Step 1
Try to limit your social circle 3-4 months before your baby is born. Don't go to parties and celebrations. Do not invite neighbors and acquaintances to visit. Do not give anything to anyone, especially at night.
Step 2
Replace old wallpapers with new ones if possible. Wallpaper picks up negative energy. Also, do not stick wallpaper over old ones or newspapers.
Step 3
1-2 weeks before your baby is born, clean the room with a church candle. Pay special attention to the corners. Spray the area with holy water.
Step 4
Do not bring anything into your home that might raise the slightest suspicion. Only things that are intended for the unborn child can be brought into the room. If possible, do not take used items for the baby. It is imperative that the diapers, blanket, bed, bathtub were new.
Step 5
Before giving birth, inspect the entire apartment, throw away everything that has nothing to do with you.
Step 6
Use only baby bedding that is made from natural fabrics, it is better if it is linen, as it has protective properties. Give preference to linen, which depicts an oak leaf, acorn, rowan, roses, butterflies, etc.
Step 7
Do not show a newborn baby before baptism. Cover it with a cape while walking. In no case do not give the baby to strangers.
Step 8
If your child is not allergic to essential oils, try to clean the room with an aroma lamp as often as possible. An essential oil like eucalyptus also has antibacterial properties. Some oils are excellent at removing negativity, for example, wormwood, juniper, rowan oil.
Step 9
Limit your child from communicating with "strangers". Some people who have strong energy can jinx the child, even if they do not wish him anything bad.
Step 10
Give your child holy water to drink periodically.
Step 11
Hang a bunch or branch of mountain ash at the head of the bed. Place rowan leaves under the mattress.
Step 12
Do not be lazy to carry out wet cleaning in the room. Water is able to perfectly wash away the negative.