A stand with information for parents is essential for every kindergarten. It contains information about the group mode, the schedule of classes, the daily menu; reference materials for parents. How to make such a stand useful and eye-catching?

Step 1
Decide on the location of your stand. It is best to hang it over locker room cabinets or in front of front doors. Thus, useful information will always be in full view of the parents.
Step 2
Make a stand from a suitable material (usually plywood), make it collapsible in order, if necessary, to reduce or increase the occupied information space.
Step 3
Think about the content of the stand, what kind of information you will post on it. It is desirable to have reference materials on the topics: "Children's rights", "Pediatrician advice", "Life safety rules for children and adults", "Parental responsibilities", etc.
Step 4
Pay attention to the design of the reference materials. Articles must be printed on a computer, in a font not less than 14 point size. Do not use overly complex terms, information must be available. Add illustrations to articles.
Step 5
Place information about the staff of the childcare facility with addresses and contact numbers. This will allow parents to receive personal counseling in case of urgent need. Information about the pupils of children's groups, the daily menu, the daily routine - all these are important components of the parent's corner.
Step 6
Set up your stand in an interesting design solution, focusing on the specifics of the institution. For example, make it in the shape of a train with carriages. The article itself will be one of the trailers, and the circles of multi-colored cardboard glued to a sheet of paper will be its wheels. Come up with an original edging of colored paper trailers.
Step 7
Style the stand in the form of a terem, for the roof of which you can use natural straw. In addition to informational articles, decorate the teremok with crafts, applications and drawings.