This topic is rather delicate and often becomes a reason for jokes, but the father, who suspected that he was raising someone else's child, is clearly not laughing. Children, of course, remain children regardless of who their biological father is. However, if doubts creep into your head, there are ways to establish paternity.

Step 1
The most reliable and obvious way is the paternity test. Most often, the biomaterial on the basis of which the analysis is carried out are samples of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the mouth and saliva. In a child, 50% of the DNA is inherited from the mother, and the other 50% from the father. By comparing the genetic code of the baby and the alleged father, it is safe to say whether there is a biological relationship between them. The cost of a paternity test varies from 12 to 20 thousand rubles, and the result will be ready within two weeks.
Step 2
A man can also determine whether a child is growing up in a family by external signs. A blue-eyed baby can be born in a family of brown-eyed parents, but the opposite situation is impossible. Just as a dark-haired baby cannot appear in a family of blondes. However, sometimes nature plays with people, and some external signs may appear as a result of mutation, but this is an exception to the rule.
Step 3
If you know your spouse's menstrual cycle exactly, you can try to calculate the date of conception. Ovulation occurs on the fourteenth to fifteenth day of the cycle, so, most likely, this event happened at this time. Of course, it is difficult to say who the baby's father is if the woman at that time had contact with two men. Well, if these days you were on a business trip, the answer is obvious.
Step 4
You can determine paternity by blood type. To do this, you need to know your group, as well as the group of your spouse and baby. If you're not good at genetics, download a blood group table online to see what combinations might have come out of your original data. For spouses with second and third blood groups, this method is not suitable, since their child can be with any.
Step 5
Remember that it is better to check or refute all your suspicions with an official paternity test. The accuracy of this method is 99.9%.