During pregnancy and after the birth of a child, quite a lot of trouble is ahead with the documents in order to receive all possible payments from the state. You shouldn't delay with this, because some of them have time limits.

It is necessary
- - copy of the passport
- - copies of the birth certificate of the first and second child
- - statement
- - a certificate that the second parent does not receive benefits
Step 1
Every woman living in Russia is entitled to a number of payments in connection with her pregnancy, childbirth and parental leave. If she works, then for a period of 30 weeks (for multiple fetuses - 28 weeks) she has the opportunity to get sick leave for 140 days: 70 days before childbirth, 70 - after. It is calculated as usual, taking into account 100% of the average official wage for 2 years, while if a woman was on maternity leave at that time, you can take the previous years. The unemployed are not paid these payments, with the exception of certain categories. Also, after the birth of a child, a woman receives a lump sum, and then, after the end of maternity leave, she can go on parental leave, which is also paid.
Step 2
If you have a second child, then the lump sum for him in 2014 will be 13,741 rubles. Moreover, every woman has the right to these payments. If you have had several children, then the total amount will be added up for each separately. Employees need to take a number of documents to their place of work: a copy of the passport, copies of the birth certificates of all their children, a certificate from the spouse's work that he did not receive this allowance, and also write an application for its receipt (in case of the birth of more than one child, you must write an application for each of them), and attach the certificate given to you at the registry office. If a woman does not work anywhere, then in order to receive these payments, she must contact the social protection fund, providing the same documents, adding to them a certificate confirming that you do not receive unemployment benefits.
Step 3
After the end of maternity leave - 70 days after giving birth, you must either go to work or go on parental leave. It is also paid based on your salary and is 40% of it. If at this moment you are still receiving benefits for the first child, then the payments are summed up, but they amount to no more than 100% of your income and do not exceed 17,990 rubles. Before the end of the decree, you must provide a copy of your passport, copies of certificates of all your children, an application for this leave, as well as a certificate from your spouse that he does not receive benefits. Payments will be made until the child reaches one and a half years, in some cases - up to 3 years.
Step 4
If a woman does not work anywhere, then in order to receive childcare benefits, she again applies to the social protection fund and brings the same documents as the employer. She is paid 2,576 rubles for the first child, 5,153 rubles for the second; for some privileged categories, this amount is doubled.
Step 5
In addition to all these payments at the birth of a second child, the "Maternity Capital" program operates. In 2014 it is 429,408 rubles. It can be spent on improving housing conditions - immediately after the birth of the child, on increasing the mother's pension and on educating the child - after the child reaches 3 years of age.