Talking to a good psychologist can help you find a way out of the most difficult situation. But there are such tips from experts that sound loud, but in fact are completely useless.

Consultations with psychologists have recently become more and more popular. Going to a meeting with a specialist, people want to solve their problems, find a way out of a difficult situation, and receive parting words. But some advice turns out to be completely useless. They either point to the obvious, or drive you even more into a dead end.
Be yourself
In a number of situations, this advice is not only useless, but also harmful. The desire to look your best in the eyes of a potential partner or the people around you is natural. There is nothing wrong. Sometimes it is not only possible, but also necessary to be more flexible, not to flaunt your worst qualities. What does it mean to be yourself? If you follow this attitude, you can try for a very long time to build relationships with the opposite sex, but to no avail.
Find your destination
"Follow your dream", "do what you love", "find your purpose" are useless calls that psychologists love to give out. Experts assure that after that it will be possible to find harmony and peace. But how can this be done in practice? If a person has a craving for a certain occupation, he will not sit back and go to talk to a psychologist. When there is no desire for something, it is better not to waste energy in throwing, trying to urgently find your calling, but to let go of the situation, try yourself in different areas. At the right moment, the heart will tell you what is better to choose.
Break off relationships if they don't stick
From the outside, everything seems simple, but it does not always work out. If feelings remain, people cling to any chance to keep love. To prove to them that everything is meaningless, useless. You need to get to this yourself. If all people dispersed at the first difficulties, only a few would reach the registry office.

Compromise will save the relationship
Sometimes it's helpful to make concessions. This line of conduct helps to hush up the conflict. But this advice from professionals can be considered useless. If a person really cares about what he achieves, he simply does not want to give up. And it is right. Otherwise, the relationship will cease to be equal. Something not fundamental can be sacrificed, but this is understandable even without a psychologist. Most people do this purely intuitively.
If you're stumped, let the situation go
It’s hard to forget what worries you a lot. A respite, of course, is needed, but not in order to get away from problems. Taking a break can help you return to dealing with difficulties with fresh energy. Letting go of the situation and forgetting about everything is the lot of weak people. If a problem arises, it must be solved, and not buried in the sand,
Don't blame yourself for past mistakes
A good psychologist may advise you not to look for the guilty in the situation, but at the same time will offer options for working through negative experiences, tell you how not to make past mistakes in the future, how to forgive yourself and others. If a specialist simply says “don't blame yourself,” then this advice is empty and useless.
Think of those who are even worse
You cannot devalue your own experiences and problems. If something goes wrong in life, why think about the fact that someone is even worse. This is not a reason to climb into someone else's life and, due to contrast, raise your own self-esteem. It is noble to think about people who feel bad, to help them. But you shouldn't associate it with yourself.
Trust the secret signs
If it is difficult to decide what to do next, you need to analyze the situation, listen to yourself. In this case, you should not pay attention to any secret signs. Even if they do exist, there is no guarantee that a person will be able to interpret them correctly. And the decoding in this case is extremely subjective. For this reason, the advice can be considered completely useless.
Conversation is the best solution to any problem
In love and friendship, it is not always possible to find mutual understanding only through conversation. Psychologists love to talk about the benefits of talking. But one can hardly imagine a couple or friends who are silent in the presence of each other. Of course, everyone is talking. But not everyone knows how to do it right. Superfluous emotions, concentration on your needs only interfere. It is important that the conversations are productive, and not drive the relationship into an even greater impasse.
Love yourself
Of course, you need to respect and appreciate yourself. But do not put this feeling at the head of everything. In relationships with the opposite sex, this attitude can be harmful. True love is a sincere interest in the object of one's sympathy. There is no place for narcissism, the desire to inflate oneself. You cannot put your own interests above the interests of your partner, also emphasizing this at every opportunity.