6 Habits That Quietly Kill Your Self-esteem

6 Habits That Quietly Kill Your Self-esteem
6 Habits That Quietly Kill Your Self-esteem

Self-esteem is formed over the years under the influence of the surrounding world. Underestimating yourself prevents you from achieving success and building harmonious relationships. Some habits quietly kill self-esteem, so you need to get rid of them urgently.

6 habits that quietly kill your self-esteem
6 habits that quietly kill your self-esteem

People with low self-esteem often feel uncomfortable. It is difficult for them to be in the company of more successful and self-sufficient ones. At the same time, the perception of oneself can change throughout life. Victories inspire, give you the opportunity to believe in yourself, and defeats make you start to doubt. Self-esteem depends on lifestyle and thinking. At the same time, there are habits that greatly reduce it.

Use low quality goods

Cheap things have a depressing effect on a person. Plastic dishes instead of porcelain, inexpensive food, sale items - when such purchases become the norm in life, it leads to a decrease in self-esteem. It is not necessary to buy everything in branded stores, but you should not accustom yourself to being second-rate. Buying cheap things spoils the mood. Using them is often not a joy. A person gradually gets the feeling that he is not worthy of more. To break this vicious circle, sometimes you need to indulge yourself with what you like. Even if this thing is above average. If the acquisition evokes inner delight, it has great inner strength.

Loving the negative

Psychologists are convinced that there are neurotics who need to suffer. This is a kind of scenario, which is very difficult to get out of. When there are few reasons for upset in life, these people begin to create such events on their own, read depressing literature, listen to sad music. Self-esteem also suffers from this. Gradually, a person begins to feel like a part of a gray and dull world in which everything is bad, including himself.

Constantly compare

The habit of comparing yourself to other people is very harmful. There will always be those around you who are more successful, handsome, and wealthy. Against this background, dissatisfaction with oneself arises, the mood deteriorates. You need to understand that you can't keep up with everyone. A little rivalry between friends, acquaintances will be beneficial, make you move forward. But do not take all this too seriously and painfully. Constantly comparing yourself to others not only lowers your self-esteem, but is also time-consuming. And it can be spent on more useful things.

Don't leave home without preparation

Appearing at work, at the theater, at a friendly party means working on your appearance. But if a person gets together for more than half an hour just to walk to the nearest store or throw out the trash, this is an alarming signal. This behavior is a sign of self-rejection, a desire to hide flaws. A person really wants to please others. For this, he is ready for many sacrifices. Gradually, a wrong attitude towards oneself is formed, a fear that no one will be able to accept his present.

Don't believe in yourself

Successful and self-sufficient people always take compliments with dignity. The habit of speaking negatively about yourself or turning all praise phrases 360 degrees kills self-esteem. The person is beginning to be appreciated less by those around him. If the phrase "how great you look in the photo" is answered from the series "yes no, it's just a good angle" or "it's all photoshop", something needs to be changed urgently. The habit of making excuses, not believing in one's attractiveness and success will destroy self-respect. It is even worse to constantly be self-deprecating, telling others: "I recovered so much" or "I have never been beautiful." In this case, a person makes people believe in their own flaws, not only themselves, but also those close to them. Uncertainty and pessimism can also be manifested in speech: “maybe”, “it’s unlikely to work out,” “I was just lucky, but this will not happen again” - these are typical phrases from the vocabulary of those who do not believe in themselves. It is important that these phrases appear regularly and do not slip through from time to time.

Take a seat in the last row

Not all people love attention. Some people prefer being in the shadows. While attending public events, some of the lectures deliberately sit in the back rows so that no one touches them, does not ask for an opinion. This habit gradually reduces the already low self-esteem. Of course, you can continue to sit in the "gallery" and not enter into discussions, but you need to learn to overcome obstacles. The public's attention should not evoke fear and horror.
