For many, September 1 is very perfect. In order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, you should be aware of the main mistakes that parents most often make. So let's get down to business.

The first mistake is clothes not for the weather
It may seem, they say, what is difficult here - in advance to glance at the weather on the Internet or even look out the window, wondering what to wear the child. However, not all so simple. Parents often overdo it. Moreover, they hate to go contrary to their plans. But in some cases it is necessary.
So, for example, you prepared a brand new blouse with sleeves for your daughter, thinking that it will be cool outside, but the sun came out in the morning, there is no wind, and the day promises to be stuffy. In such a situation, you need to immediately find other clothes in the closet, for example, a white blouse.
Otherwise, the child will be uncomfortable not only on the street, but also in the classroom. You should not sacrifice children's health for the sake of visual appeal, because a child can have heatstroke.
Also, clothes for a student should be as comfortable as possible. Brand new shoes, big bows and too tight jackets - all this rarely brings joy, and the child is waiting for the moment when he will take off these "dress clothes".
The second mistake is gathering with the whole family
If the family is friendly and big, that's good. But, unfortunately, the classrooms, school grounds and halls are not so spacious for the whole family to go there. The optimal solution is to split up.
Let, for example, grandmother and dad accompany the child in the morning, while other family members stay at home to prepare a delicious lunch.
Quite another extreme is to let the child go alone. That, they say, he was already there, will not be lost.
This is absolutely the wrong approach. A child needs parental support, especially at such an exciting moment for him.
The third mistake is too much communication with the student's classmates
It often happens that moms and dads on September 1 are much more active than their kids. They are interested in the hobbies of their classmates, smile, joke, as if they themselves are sitting at their desks, and not their child.
Children may find this behavior of their parents extremely unpleasant.
It is better to ask the student in advance if it is possible to communicate with his classmates so that he does not feel uncomfortable.
If the child does not approve of this, do not contradict him, because the school is his territory, where he forms his personality. There is no need to get involved in this process.
The fourth mistake - the parents of classmates are old friends
Maybe it is. Friends of the parents grew up long ago, gave birth to their children - and now, "the meeting place cannot be changed." In this case, you can only be glad for you, because we can discuss a lot. But, if the parents of your son's classmates are not familiar to you, you should not be too sycophantic with them. But politeness should always be present.
It’s not worth telling how you managed to spend your vacation and how much money you spent getting your child to school. It is bad manners to try to become good companions with complete strangers in a couple of hours.
Fifth mistake - too many photos
I know from myself that on September 1, one of the troubles is a lot of parents with even more cameras. They scurry here and there, pushing the crowds of some schoolchildren in order to stand as close as possible with others.
Obviously, any parent wants to take some good souvenir pictures to put them in a family photo album, but this is not very good.
Remember that on the ruler at school you need to take care not of photographs, but of making your child as comfortable as possible.