How To Choose A Wedding Year

How To Choose A Wedding Year
How To Choose A Wedding Year

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A wedding is a very important and significant event in the life of people who love each other. Many are very sensitive not only to the choice of outfits, venue, menu, but also the date of the wedding, as they believe that a wedding held on a certain day, month or year can promise either a long and happy life, or quarrels and conflicts in the family …

How to choose a wedding year
How to choose a wedding year


Step 1

What month is it better to get married?

In January, marriage is not recommended, as they say that getting married in January is too early to be a widow (widower). February is considered a favorable month for marriage, which promises harmony and trust between spouses in marriage. A marriage concluded in March foreshadows the spouse's move to the wrong side. Getting married in April will not bring happiness to spouses. In May, getting married is "toil" all your life. June is the ideal month for marriage. It promises a long, happy and carefree life. A marriage made in July will experience both happy and sad times. A marriage in August heralds a loving and calm husband throughout the family life.

If you dream of a long and indestructible union, then it is worth getting married in September. If you are planning your wedding in October, do not expect an easy and carefree life. December is the best time to get married. You will love your friend all your life.

Step 2

Which day of the week to choose for marriage?

Astrologers believe that choosing a day for marriage must be comparing the day of the week on which the birthday falls this year. So, if in the year of the wedding, the birthday fell on Monday, then it is better to do the wedding on Monday. If it's Tuesday, then it's better not to plan a wedding on this day of the week, life will be very stormy and difficult. Wednesday, this means that you should think about the correct choice of the chosen one. Thursday is a good day for getting married. Family life will be happy and long. Getting married on Friday promises spouses happiness in intimate life and good luck in business. On Saturday, you can plan a wedding for those who, for the sake of family happiness, are ready to sacrifice their career and personal hobbies. Sunday is a very good day for getting married. Spouses will be sources of inspiration for each other all their lives.

Step 3

What day does the moon recommend for marriage?

Lunar days are unfavorable for marriage: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20. 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 21, 26 and 27 lunar days are considered ideal for marriage.
