How To Help A First Grader Cope With The Workload

How To Help A First Grader Cope With The Workload
How To Help A First Grader Cope With The Workload

Buying a uniform and stationery is just the tip of the iceberg called "school life". A first grader needs a long adaptation. One of the most important tasks for parents is to help their child cope with the workload.

first grader
first grader

Step 1. Overcome your fear of school.

School is a new stage in a child's life, which means stress and fear of the unknown. It is quite difficult to delve into the educational process when the child does not understand what to expect from the study. Explain to the child in detail what the activities will be, how many exciting discoveries await him in the lessons.

Fears of teachers, as of strangers, also have a place to be. Usually, there are pictures of teachers on the school's Internet resource. Go together on the website of the educational institution and visually meet all the teachers. Make a memo for the child with the name and patronymic of the class teacher.

Talk to your child about school rules. Reassure the first grader that he has the right to make mistakes, and if something does not work out for him, he can safely raise his hand and ask the teacher to explain again.


Help your child make friends. Meet with the parents in the meeting, maybe someone lives near you, and the children will go to school together.

Step 2. Teach your child to do their homework on their own

Parents believe that doing homework together is much more productive and faster, and sometimes they try to do everything for the first grader in order to get back to their business as soon as possible. Learn to trust your child with homework.


Purchase additional reference materials or show your child how to search the Internet. Find and bookmark some helpful learning sites so your child can find the information they need on their own. For example:

  • deuces-no.rf

Teach your child to work in a draft. Don't impose your help. Calmly ask if you can help. Offer to check the completed rough work, if necessary.

Step 3. The right motivation for a first grader

To help the first grader cope with the academic load, parents often go to bribe and blackmail in the style: "If you do your homework, I will buy it, if you do not do it, you will not get it …". It is necessary to motivate correctly.

Find benefits in the educational process itself, so that the child tries to do the job well, and not just complete the task for a prize or in order to avoid punishment. Explain how this or that subject is useful in the future.


As you keep your first grader interested in learning, remember that your example is important. Take an interest in what new and interesting child was asked for tomorrow, and do it with pleasure. Do not express your fears about school out loud, and most importantly: do not criticize teachers and school at home in the presence of a child, then the first grader will have no reason to doubt the usefulness and relevance of the educational process.
