One of the most common complaints of women is that men do not help them maintain order in the house, and sometimes they do not even understand why, in fact, this order is needed. They scatter everything, do not clean up after themselves, you will not get help from them. Of course, one must take into account the greater emotionality of the weaker sex in comparison with the strong and the consequent tendency to exaggeration. Nevertheless, the fact remains: indeed, many men understand the word "order" not at all in the sense in which women understand it.

Step 1
The most unfortunate tactics that a woman can resort to is reproaches, tears, complaints, sometimes reaching scandals. Believe me, even if in the end a man begins to put his things in their places and help in cleaning the apartment, his attitude towards you will change for the worse. "Hysterical psychopath" is not the strongest expression that comes to his mind. And, besides, the thought will almost certainly arise: why not look for another woman who does not make a cult out of cleaning? You hardly need such a result. Therefore, remember: no tears and scenes.
Step 2
Also refrain from commanding tone, categoricalness. Women don't like it when people talk to them like that, do they? Imagine, men don't get excited about it either. A polite phrase that begins with the words: "Darling, could you help me …" will have a completely different effect. Especially if you “flatter” with purely female art: they say, it will not be difficult for you, you are so skillful.
Step 3
Try to distribute responsibilities around the house, taking into account the nature of the work and workload of each of the spouses for each specific day. For example, if the wife was preparing dinner, the husband washes the dishes. And vice versa. Do not forget to sincerely thank your husband for any help, especially if it was provided without reminders, on personal initiative. After all, "a kind word and a cat is pleased!"
Step 4
Understand also that the overwhelming majority of men, simply because of the peculiarities of their psychology, do not see the need for impeccable order. Rare exceptions do not change the general rule. Therefore, the husband completely sincerely does not understand what the wife is concerned about and unhappy with when she finds out that some thing is again out of place. And everything incomprehensible confuses men and annoys. This is the reason for family quarrels.
Step 5
Do not try to remake your husband, but limit yourself to a reasonable minimum, remembering that with the right approach you can always get your way. If, as a result, your husband himself begins to put his things that require washing and take out the trash in the dirty laundry basket, consider yourself very lucky. If he also wipes dust from the upper surfaces, where his wife cannot reach, and do some other housework, you have got a real treasure.