Choosing a name for an unborn child is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions for parents. That is why it is better to think over several options even before the baby is born, taking into account all the nuances and details.

Name and character of the child
There is an opinion that the name has a certain influence on the character and destiny of a person. So, rare and unusual names belong to charismatic and eccentric personalities. If you want to emphasize the creative side of your child, then names such as Apollo, Leo, Albert, Eustathius, Matvey, Nazar, Lavrenty, Yakov, etc. are suitable for boys. Future singers and actresses can be given the name Inessa, Angelina, Zlata, Varvara, Rimma, Ulyana, Kira, Regina, Nonna or August.
If in the development of the child you want to make a bias towards practical features, then the girl can be called Anastasia, Nadezhda, Christina, Tatyana, Valentina, Maria or Ksenia, and the boy - Andrey, Ivan, Maxim, Dmitry, Vladimir, Peter.
How to name a child by season
It is believed that a person's character is influenced not only by the year and sign of the zodiac, but also by the month of birth. So, in winter, children are born with a more severe and conflict-prone character. To soften the roughness inherent in nature itself, a child born in the winter months can be given a soft, gentle and feminine name.
In spring, subtle, sensitive, indecisive natures are born, but very talented and gifted. For "spring" babies, on the contrary, strong and sonorous names are suitable.
In the summer, emotional, impressionable and explosive children are born. Such babies are recommended to give simple and concise names.
Historical and ancestral names
Recently, more and more parents, instead of modern and familiar names, choose native Russian and biblical names for their child. If you are an adherent of this trend, then such names as Demyan, Bogdan, Kuzma, Efim, Thomas, Fedot, Arkhip, Afanasy, Nikifor, etc. may be suitable for a newborn boy. The girl can be called Seraphima, Vasilisa, Antonina, Praskovya, Pelageya, Susanna, Matryona, Evlampia, Efrosinya or Evdokia.
Beautiful modern names
If you want your child to stand out and constantly be in the spotlight, then an unusual and original name can help him with this. Some parents even decide to compose a completely new name, adding it, for example, from the names of relatives and friends. True, calling a child a rare and extraordinary name, it must be borne in mind that in kindergarten and school, he is likely to encounter teasers. So that the child does not feel discomfort against the background of familiar Russian names, he needs to explain all the beauty and charm of his name.
Beautiful and unusual female names include such as Berta, Milana, Bella, Aida, Ada, Yadviga, Ustina, Tomila, Edita, Lolita, Emma, Eva, Renata, Teresa, Marietta and Nora. The boy can be called Lukery, Zhdan, Zlatomir, Askold, Cupid, Vedogor and Dionisy.
In connection with world globalization and close international contacts, it makes sense to call your baby a name that is universal for all languages. For boys it will be Andrey (Andrea, Andrew) and Mikhail (Michelle, Michael). The girl can be given the name Elizabeth (Elizabeth) or Catherine (Kate).