Women love to talk about their feelings and needs with subtle hints. This is due to innate delicacy, shyness or playfulness.

But, unfortunately, a man in 99% of cases understands women's statements literally, not realizing that the lady is trying to hint about something. As a result, the woman is offended: "He is callous and inattentive." And the man is annoyed with the whims and feminine logic. To break the vicious circle of misunderstanding, you need to understand why men do not take hints.
Men are not looking for hidden meanings.
Is it true that the physiology of the male brain prevents a man from taking hints? Truth! The facts that testify to this are as follows: in women, when analyzing information, both hemispheres of the brain are actively working, and in most men, only the left one. A man perceives information as a fact that is worth evaluating critically, and a woman will certainly involve the area of feelings. Therefore, the husband, having heard from his wife: “What beautiful flowers!”, Will simply take note (“She thinks that these flowers are beautiful”). And the woman will be offended that he does not develop the chain further, does not look for the hidden motives of the statement, etc. After all, she hinted so clearly to him that she would like him to give her flowers!
Conclusion. The husband does not sabotage and does not intentionally misunderstand you. His brain is actually different! It is better to leave subtle hints for friends, and in order to convey your feelings and desires to your beloved man, it is better to use unambiguous constructions: “I really like these flowers. I would like you to give me such a bouquet!"
Men do not perceive information by ear
Scientists have found that women in the analytical centers of the brain have more nerve cells responsible for transmitting information than men. Therefore, men, unlike women, find it difficult to perceive information by ear. In practice, it looks like this: the more you talk, the less your man understands. And if you express yourself allegorically or with the help of hints, then consider that you are talking to the wall.
Conclusion. Try to formulate the thought that you want to convey to your man as accurately and concisely as possible. Do not force the tempo of speech, speak slowly, articulating the words clearly.
Men are worse at "reading" non-verbal signals
Psychologists have found that men have difficulty understanding non-verbal signals. Therefore, you should not wander around the house with a sad look, hinting that you are upset about something. Most men will not be able to "read" your non-verbal signals, but will simply think that something hurts you or that you are simply out of sorts and it is better not to disturb you.
Conclusion. If you want your husband to express his sympathy for you, say directly: "I am upset because …". Significant silences, pouting lips, mournful mines and similar wordless signals are unlikely to be correctly interpreted.