By the end of the 3rd trimester, expectant mothers leave the feeling of self-confidence, and he is replaced by anxiety for a safe delivery and the health of the baby. In addition, women expecting their first child have doubts about the correct recognition of the symptoms that signal the need to go to the hospital.

A few days before giving birth, a huge belly, which radically changes the posture and functional characteristics of the body, goes down. Outwardly, this may remain invisible, however, signs of prolapse of the uterus are an increase in the urge to urinate and a change in the nature of back pain. Upon reaching the 3rd trimester, all expectant mothers are sent by the antenatal clinic to a lecture on the correct behavior during childbirth. You should not postpone it, since premature contractions can overtake already at the 38th week. This lecture explains how childbirth takes place, how to breathe during decisive contractions, and what to take with you to the hospital.
By the end of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases. Do not be afraid of this - he just gets cramped in his stomach.
In the last month, false contractions are possible - they stiffen and shrink the stomach, but they do not lead to the onset of childbirth. To distinguish them from the real ones, the time interval between them should be noted. In false ones, it is unstable and sometimes increases, sometimes decreases. The interval between the real ones is gradually decreasing. Primiparous women, if they are not scheduled for a planned caesarean section, may not rush to the maternity ward, since the contractions last from several hours to several days. If the pain syndrome increases and the interval is shortened to 5 minutes, you should get dressed, take a pre-assembled bag with things and go to the hospital.
In most cities, it is allowed to leave the phone and hygiene products for the mother and baby in the maternity ward, while the rest of the things, including outerwear, should be given to accompanying relatives.
In addition to contractions, there are other symptoms of impending labor, signaling an immediate need to go to the hospital. This is the discharge of amniotic fluid or mucous plug. Leakage of water can begin in a few days, or it can occur at one moment. This indicates a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder and, as a rule, is accompanied by the occurrence of rapid contractions, therefore, it is impossible to hesitate to call an ambulance or a car.
The mucous plug looks like a dense clot of white, jelly-like mass with red streaks and is usually found by expectant mothers when visiting the toilet. She moves away when the cervix begins to open and prepare for the baby's exit. The process of cervical dilatation lasts several days and is often accompanied by painful but not violent contractions. They are tolerant, but interfere with sleep, so upon arrival at the hospital and after being examined by a doctor, you should ask for an anesthetic injection that stops false uterine contractions. It is placed in the buttock and is necessary in order to rest before the onset of childbirth, because they can drag on for a long time, and real contractions will not let you fall asleep until the baby is born. With an increase in contractions, it is recommended to walk, since extraneous muscle contractions somewhat absorb the pain syndrome and contribute to the normalization of correct breathing.