You have been dating for more than one year, you know in advance what your loved one will do and how he will behave in a certain situation. Somewhere deep down, you realize that if this continues further, life will become insipid and uninteresting. In this case, you need to try to update the relationship.

Ways to innovate
Many couples realize that their relationship has become boring and predictable, but no one takes the initiative in their own hands. If you observe a similar situation in your couple, then do not be afraid to be the first to offer to diversify the relationship. Talk to your partner about the situation, find out if his style of your relationship suits him and if he wants to change. If the desire to renew the relationship is mutual, you can begin to act.
1. Joint rest. Try to break out of your city limits. It would be ideal outside the country. Modern tour operators offer a lot of interesting inexpensive offers that will be affordable for people with an average income. Staying in an unfamiliar city is a little adventure that brings the couple together. Take excursions, enter contests, and meet new people. Such a vacation will not only refresh relationships, but also give you a boost of energy and a baggage of pleasant memories.
2. Do not be limited in communication. Many couples get tired of each other, as they keep their social circle to a minimum for the duration of the relationship. This is a big mistake, since you cannot live exclusively for each other. Communicate actively with friends, visit, be socially active people. Communication with other couples will allow you not to get hung up on each other and be distracted for a while from everyday life and problems.
3. Find a common hobby. Mutual hobbies bring something closer and allow you to find common points of contact. If you both enjoy dancing, then you can sign up for a dance club where you will be taught passionate tango and gentle waltz. Do you have a craving for foreign languages? Enroll in language schools that are both enjoyable and rewarding to attend. Develop together.
4. No censorship. Don't be afraid to experiment in bed. Nothing strengthens a relationship like unforgettable passionate sex. If you have cooled to each other and do not feel attraction, then perhaps this is the reason for the cat that ran between you? Offer to role-play, or do it in an unfamiliar place. Your relationship will get a second wind.