Resentment is a completely useless and very harmful feeling for a child. It puts pressure on the emotional state of the baby, because he, due to his age characteristics, does not seek to look for the cause of the offense, or to solve the problem, but concentrates on his feelings, trying with all his might to arouse a sense of guilt in the offender. For a child, resentment is a discrepancy between reality and his expectations. If, in response to his requests, the mother did not buy the desired typewriter, then the child will be offended. He will not throw tantrums in the store, but will withdraw into himself and will seek feelings of guilt from his mother.

Step 1
This problem is typical for children over three years old. Until this age, children act without thinking. They either cry, or fight with the abuser, or simply leave the "battlefield". But from the age of four, children begin to manipulate others, influencing their conscience. In general, almost all children are offended and it is difficult to wean them completely from this. But if your child is sulking with or without reason, it's time to sound the alarm.
Step 2
Resentment for a child is, whether perceived or not, a way to attract attention. When adults begin to calm him down, it counts for the baby to recognize him and his needs. This usually happens in families where little attention is paid to the child, where everyone is busy with their own business. Then resentment is a way to arouse the tenderness of the parents. But often the offense has grounds: the child cannot express his feelings in another way and the most accessible way for him is to clearly show his offended state. In this case, if for an unknown reason the child is offended, do not leave him alone with this unpleasant feeling. Try to find out the reason, it may be more serious than you think.
Step 3
If the resentful child is trying to manipulate you to get what you want, then the best way to show him the uselessness of such behavior is to ignore his offended appearance. Behave as if you don't notice anything, talk to him, tell him something, Carried away by the story, the child can quickly forget his displeasure.
If the child reacts in this way to praise addressed to other children, then it is necessary to wean him from dependence on the praise of other people. Help him develop self-confidence - this will be very useful for the child in the future.
If the reason for the offense is weighty, then you should pay due attention to it. You need to teach the child to fight back the offender. It is good if you start teaching your child to express their emotions. It will be much easier for you if the baby tells you exactly why he is offended and why.