A hyperactive child starts a lot, but does not complete it, quickly loses interest and does not hold attention, has fun in a good mood, runs, cannot calm down - it is difficult for such a child to adapt at school. These are difficult students: noisy, inattentive, but very capable, if you channel their energy in the right direction.

Step 1
Parents of hyperactive children should competently prepare the baby for school activities. The child is impatient, cannot wait for his turn to enter the game - do not scold, do not punish him, but play, for example, the game "Who is slower" or "What happens after what". He loves sculpting, drawing or collecting puzzles - let him do it, but not as a punishment, only if he likes it. Try to do everything together: play, clean, complete tasks, relax. And do not pull the baby out of the process with food, but prepare the transition to it in advance: "When you finish drawing, we will eat."
Step 2
The problem is sloppiness: fiddling with a plate in the dining room and filling the mold; ran, fell, tore his pants. Be patient and help - there will be improvements over time. Formulate the task clearly, do not tell the child “fold the portfolio”, he will not understand. Say specifically: "Put a notebook, textbook, diary in your portfolio."

Step 3
Equip your offspring's workplace competently. An active child has an attention deficit, so there should be no distractions in sight: posters, food, toys. On the table there is only a pen, a notebook, a textbook, and not the whole portfolio. Take on the preparatory part, for example, draw out the fields so that the child can immediately begin to complete the assignment.
Step 4
Start with lighter tasks to create a situation of success - this will motivate you to work further. A hyperactive child is more sensitive to praise than to criticism, poorly perceived the word "no". Define clearly what exactly is impossible: “you cannot beat children”, you cannot run across the street at a red light and so on, prohibit only what is really dangerous, turn a blind eye to the rest.
Step 5
The child does not do much, not because he does not want to, but because he cannot. It is difficult to do five lessons at once, so during class, take a break, ask the child to bring water or turn off the light in the hallway - every mother knows her child well to come up with a blitz task. Then the child can sit down and continue to work.
Step 6
When the child is engaged, ask the household to be quiet - let dad not turn on the TV loudly, and grandmother does not make chops at this time. Use a reward system, encourage, say that everything will work out. Create an incentive to make your child want to get the job done. Help your child develop self-control and self-regulation skills: "Before you do something, count to ten, clap your hands."