It is very important and difficult to preserve your love and the feelings of your partner, because over time you can lose interest in each other. To prevent this from happening to your relationship, appreciate what you have today and don't take love for granted.

Step 1
Develop your relationship. Otherwise, the fire of love may go out, because you did not throw firewood into it and did not allow it to flare up properly. When everything remains the same between you for a long time, feelings can exhaust themselves. Don't be afraid to change your life to be close to your loved one. Then the feelings will overcome any obstacles. Your relationship should flow smoothly from one stage to another. Naturally, you tend to spend more and more time together.
Step 2
Be sincere. Don't be afraid to show your feelings. Show your tenderness, pay attention to your significant other. Express your affection with words, touching, smiling, looking, and acting. Invest emotion in everything you do for your partner.
Step 3
Appreciate what's between you and your partner. Understand that you love each other is a real miracle. Enjoy every minute you spend together. Chat with pleasure and find common interests. Enjoy each other.
Step 4
Do not focus only on your feelings, think about what your partner is experiencing. Love can absorb your attention so much that you stop seeing the person next to you. Constantly try to get to know and understand your chosen one better. Doing so will strengthen the bond between you and nourish the feelings, opening up new facets in him.
Step 5
Do not doubt your loved one for no reason. Let nothing poison the magical feeling that is between you. All your fears can be allayed by logical reflection or by talking frankly with your partner.
Step 6
Accept the person for who they are. Love not the dignity of a person, but love all of him. Do not single out the sides of his personality that you like and that you would like to see in a different capacity. The flaws affected your love for the person as much as the virtues, so don't throw them away.
Step 7
Support each other. Do not betray your loved one even in thought. You are a team, one whole. Hold on to your partner and lend him a shoulder when needed.