Words solve many problems. Unfortunately, they are often created during conversations. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful in the conversation, especially if your opponent is reluctant to make contact or completely refuses it.

Step 1
Choose the right time. The same offer may be perceived differently by your interlocutor, depending on the circumstances and his mood. It is best to start a conversation when your opponent is in no hurry and looks pretty cheerful. If you are clearly aggressive towards you or upset about something, postpone the conversation if possible.
Step 2
Start the conversation with a neutral topic that interests the other person. To do this, you must know at least a little about his interests. Banal talk about the weather will not work here, because from the very first words it will be clear that this is not the true reason for your appeal to the interlocutor.
Step 3
Try to ask more questions without being too intrusive. Before moving on to the main topic of the conversation, try to "talk" your interlocutor. Do your best to make him feel comfortable with you.
Step 4
Start discussing the issue that interests you with a logical and well-reasoned explanation of its importance to you. Tell the other person about your concerns or hopes you have about the subject of the conversation. Demonstrate your interest in him.
Step 5
Don't insist if your opponent refuses to make contact. Thus, you can only aggravate the situation. Say that you will come up with your proposal later, while trying to figure out why he refuses to talk to you. Eliminate these causes if possible.
Step 6
Ask to speak with you in writing. If the person doesn't give you a chance to even meet him, send him a letter. Of course, there are no guarantees that he will definitely read it, but such an opportunity is still available.
Step 7
Introduce a third party into the conversation. At the same time, keep in mind that it should take a neutral position and enjoy the authority of both you and your interlocutor. There is a possibility that your opponent will listen to his opinion and contact you.