Paradoxically, quarrels help lovers to strengthen their relationship, make feelings sharper and appreciate each other more. But each time there is a great risk that the separation will be the last.

Resentment has several stages. At the earliest, people do not want to listen and hear each other. All that is needed in order not to break the wood is to disperse in different corners. Perhaps even live separately. It's okay not to talk. To communicate at first with notes and SMS is also normal. Natural rapprochement after an argument should be gradual. At this stage, you cannot behave rudely, invade your personal space and show yourself from an aggressive side. Drunk calls, threats, flirting with her best friend in the hope of causing jealousy will not only alienate her beloved, but also provoke her anger and desire for revenge. Anything can be used here. And damage to things, and the leaking of incriminating photos on the Internet, and dirty gossip. No wonder William Shakespeare said that the worst fury in hell cannot be compared with an offended woman. If a man wants peace, then he should not kindle the fire of war. When the emotional fervor fades away, it will be time to think about yourself, about relationships and about how to continue to live. Usually, girls experience melancholy, resentment, and guilt at this stage. They start to get bored, they are overwhelmed with the desire to speak out and speak out. Worst of all, the girl is silent or avoids communication even three to five days after the quarrel. This is depression, and the girl in this state is not interested in anything. Right now, the relationship is more than ever close to collapse. At this stage, it is worth showing yourself to be a sensitive, emotional person who has realized his mistake (even if it did not exist, this no longer worries anyone) and is ready to correct it. A gentle, intimate conversation can help build relationships. And the reason for the conversation will be a romantic gesture, which depends on the financial capabilities and imagination of the young man. An impulse that will change attitudes can be a banal white paint inscription on the asphalt, a musical number with a serenade, and a gift with a warm letter attached. After reconciliation, a stage of euphoria sets in, which can last from several days to two to three months. It depends on the temperament of the lovers. Choleric people quarrel more often, but quickly return to their original positions. Phlegmatic people accumulate resentment for a long time and experience longer, after reconciliation they need a lot of tenderness and care. Sanguine people are more willing than others to listen to the arguments of reason. They can make peace simply because it is necessary: because of a joint child, living space, previously assumed obligations. Do not think that a man, apologizing first, is humiliated. He is only the first to take control of the situation, inclines the girl to the conditions that he himself voices. It is the man-peacemaker who demonstrates his noble character, his generosity and shows wisdom, since the desire to preserve relationships is a symbol of a mature and whole person.