The Sacrament of Baptism is a rite of cleansing the soul and spiritual birth of a person. It takes place on the 8th or 40th day of life. At the same time, godparents are appointed for the baby, who take on the responsibility of educating him in the spirit of Orthodoxy. The godfather can participate in the ceremony in absentia, the mother - only in person. At the same time, she must be ready to fulfill her obligations.

Requirements for a godmother
For the role of godmother, a woman should begin to prepare in advance. She must not only know the prayers, but also fully realize the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism being performed.
An exclusively Orthodox woman who lives according to God's commandments can become a godmother. She should know such prayers as the King of Heaven; Virgin Mary, rejoice; Symbol of faith; Our Father. They express the essence of the Christian faith.
A woman must understand all the responsibility entrusted to her. She should ask God for help in raising a child, thank him for everything. The godmother must make every effort to ensure that the child grows up as a believer.
The duties of the godmother include providing all possible assistance in preparing for the sacrament of Baptism and the festive table. She must go through a special interview before Baptism and prepare gifts for the godson. Godparents should purchase a baptismal shirt, a pectoral cross, a towel for wrapping a child in it after the ceremony, a cap or kerchief.
Duties of the Godmother in the Sacrament of Baptism
The main duty of the godmother during Baptism is to pray for the child, so that God would send grace on him during the Sacrament, so that the purity of his soul would be preserved, so that the Lord would give wisdom to godparents and blood parents to raise the child in the right direction.
During the Baptism of the girl, she is transferred into the hands of the godmother after immersion in the font. In the case of a boy's Baptism, the opposite is true. The priest can ask the godmother to read the Creed prayer. In order for the child to feel more confident in her hands, their preliminary acquaintance and communication experience is desirable. You should be prepared for the fact that the baby will have to change clothes, soothe as needed.
Duties of the Godmother after the Sacrament of Baptism
After the Sacrament, as a rule, a festive feast called Christening is organized. It can be difficult for blood parents with a small child to prepare everything in a timely manner, so help in the form of looking after the baby and participating in the preparation of meals will be simply invaluable. During the feast, the godmother can participate in serving food on the table, take care of the guests, deliver congratulatory speeches for the godson and his parents. After the gatherings, she helps to clear the table, puts the baby to bed.
In everyday life, the godmother should try to pay as much attention as possible to the all-round development of the child. You can take him to classes at Sunday School with the subsequent discussion of what he heard, attend services together, travel to holy places, celebrate birthdays and church holidays. The godmother bears responsibility for the godson throughout her life.