Already in the second trimester of pregnancy, many expectant mothers notice the first signs of puffiness: it becomes difficult to fasten tight boots or remove the ring from a finger. An increase in the amount of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman is normal, but pathological edema can become a cause for concern and require immediate treatment.

Occurring for various reasons, but in almost all expectant mothers, puffiness is the most common complication of pregnancy. Especially often women who do not eat properly, drink little water, as well as those who carry a large fetus or several babies at once are at risk. And here you can not do without an individual approach and specially selected methods of dealing with edema.
Exactly what methods to treat puffiness during pregnancy should be decided by the doctor, therefore, before attempting to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you need to consult with him. Most often, the treatment of edema involves the use of complex measures: from diet correction to the appointment of diuretics.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed. Contrary to popular belief, edema often occurs not due to excess water in the body, but due to a lack of it. The reason for one of the serious complications - gestosis, is precisely the lack of water and albumin in the blood of a pregnant woman: in this case, a natural process of fluid retention and accumulation occurs. Therefore, to avoid edema, you should drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily.
Movement is the best medicine for edema
To prevent fluid from accumulating in the body of a pregnant woman, you need to lead an active lifestyle. It is necessary not to linger in the same position for a long time. You can prevent swelling by doing a little warm-up hourly or by going for a short walk 2-3 times a day.
Swelling of the arms and legs can be relieved by lying down and lifting them up on a pillow. Sleeping on the left side also contributes to the prevention of edema: in this position, the organs that remove fluid from the body work better. After sleep, it is recommended to wear maternity underwear or high-waisted tights to reduce the strain on your legs during long walks and prevent swelling of the ankles and calves.
Diet for puffiness and gestosis
By following a certain diet, you can also fight puffiness. It is undesirable to eat foods containing sodium, such as olives, eat less salty and spicy foods, and avoid smoked meats.
It is necessary to exclude carbonated water, especially sweet. Better to switch to fruit drinks and fruit drinks without sugar. By the way, many of them, prepared according to special recipes, are diuretics, for example, cranberry juice, viburnum or celery juice, dried apple peel compote. With the permission of a doctor, you can drink herbal teas from lingonberry leaves, horsetail or bearberry.