We must start a new life! How many times have you said this to yourself? How many times have you started? This is it … Maybe your mistake was that you planned to radically change your life in one day, but it is not realistic to do it in such a short time. In fact, starting a new life is not difficult, you just need to do one every day, albeit a small step in the right direction. In order to make this easier to do, you need to draw up a clear plan of action. And we will tell you what it will be.

Step 1
Analyze your life and recall those projects that were the most successful, albeit not grandiose. Remember in what ways you achieved victory, and how your life changed after that. Remember the failures, analyze what caused them. If you don't learn from the past, you risk repeating the same mistakes again.
Step 2
Set specific goals for yourself and write clear instructions on how to implement them. Break the entire journey down into a few simple steps and set a timeline for completing them. For example, you are going to lose 10 kg, but this cannot be done in a short time, so limit yourself to chocolates and lose a pound of weight. Plan to do some morning jogging next month and gradually, you will achieve your goal.
Step 3
Make a list of what you want to change in your life. Describe what you want to achieve in your new life, including your personal life and relationships, professional success, financial condition, health, entertainment, and travel. For each item, outline a plan by which the dream can come true. Break the whole path into 52 steps by the number of weeks in a year and start fulfilling your plans.
Step 4
Believe in yourself and drive negative thoughts away. Hormonal changes, so characteristic of women, should not shake faith in their own strength. Suggest to yourself that you will cope with difficulties, and the great power of self-suggestion will help you. Good luck!