Hiccups in children occur for various reasons. But if older children can be given water to drink, eat a spoonful of sugar or a slice of lemon, ask them to take a deep breath and hold their breath, then with babies up to a year, the situation is more complicated. And first of all, you need to find out the cause of the hiccups.

One of the causes of hiccups in children is hypothermia. If the child is cold, cover him with a warm blanket. If the child is cold while walking, then immediately return home and warm the baby.
Sometimes hiccups in children result from a strong emotion or stress: a loud sound, an unusual pungent smell, a large number of strangers. Try to move with your child to a quiet, calm place, cuddle and calm down.
If the hiccups appear while feeding, then stop feeding the baby. You should hold the child upright, pressing it to you and stroking it on the back. When the hiccups are gone, you can continue feeding. Don't overfeed your baby.
To combat hiccups faster, you can give your baby a bottle of warm water.
If suddenly the hiccups do not go away for a long time or are of a regular nature, be sure to consult with your doctor and show him your baby.