Hiccups can appear not only in adults, but also in newborns. Often it appears regularly after feeding, but its occurrence in a baby scares many parents, despite the fact that it does not cause any particular inconvenience to the child.

Step 1
Hiccups are a reflex phenomenon that can last from a minute to several hours.
Step 2
The most common reasons for the appearance of hiccups in a newborn are: overeating and swallowing air if the nipple is not properly seized, due to a large opening of the nipple, hypothermia, bloating, or nervous shake.
Step 3
To prevent hiccups in a newborn, feed your baby only when he is really hungry, calm and not agitated. Monitor your baby closely while feeding. If he drinks too quickly and actively, remove him from his chest for a while, let him rest, hold him with a "column" so that the air that has got into the stomach comes out. If the baby is "artificial", try to change the nipple on the bottle more often.
Step 4
If a newborn's hiccups appear in case of hypothermia, warm him up, press him to you and give him a drink of warm water. Buy it in a warm bath or feed it if necessary.
Step 5
If you notice that a baby's hiccups appear during stress, try to protect the baby from emotional shake-up (loud music, high-pitched conversations, bright lights and strangers).
Step 6
To quickly stop hiccups in a newborn baby, you can give him a couple of sips of warm water or a weak infusion of chamomile.
Step 7
It is impossible to ignore persistent prolonged hiccups in a newborn, as this can be a sign of brain damage, various diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, spinal cord or chest injuries. If a child's hiccups appear regularly and lasts more than 2 weeks, it is imperative to show it to a specialist.
Step 8
If, with the help of simple tips, you can easily relieve the attacks of hiccups in a newborn, your baby is cheerful, healthy and constantly smiling, then you have no reason to worry.