After discharge from the maternity hospital, as soon as the umbilical wound heals, the child should have daily evening baths before bedtime. The first bathing is associated with excitement and numerous questions from parents, how to do it correctly and profitably.

- - assistant;
- - children's bath;
- - chamomile decoction or manganese solution;
- - thermometer;
- - a warm, large towel;
- - detergent for bathing babies;
- - gauze cloth or terry mitten;
- - a jug of boiled water at 35-36 degrees for pouring.
Step 1
Place the tub on 2 or 3 stools in the bathroom if you don't have a more reliable fixture. Of course, if necessary, you can put the bath on the bottom of the bath or even bathe your child in it. But this is very inconvenient, because there will be a lot of stress on your back and arms, which can lead to a traumatic situation for the baby.
Step 2
Prepare a cleanser for the body and hair (use only a special product for bathing babies), a large, warm, terry towel, in which you will then wrap the baby. In the room by the crib, put in advance clean diapers and a cap, powder, cream.
Step 3
Pour boiled water cooled to 37 degrees into the bath (check with a thermometer, not your elbow!). You can add chamomile decoction or manganese solution until pink.
Step 4
Undress the baby in the crib or on the changing table (it will not be safe in the bathroom!) And bring it to the bath in one diaper. Be sure to wash your baby with a helper. It is best if it is a more experienced woman, but in no case should you neglect the help of your husband.
Step 5
Bathe your baby for no more than 7-8 minutes. Before starting the procedure, rinse the external genitals, and then slowly lower it into the water, keeping your left arm bent on the elbow. Submerge the baby up to the top of the chest. The head, neck and collarbones should remain above the water. Support your baby's head and back.
Step 6
Let your baby get used to the water. Then start washing it. For the first time, it is necessary to wash the child with detergent, and then use it no more than 2 times a week with daily water procedures.
Step 7
Wash your baby with a gauze cloth or terrycloth mitt. They are easy to wash and boil, they are soft and will not damage the baby's delicate code. Wash the baby in the following sequence: hair from the forehead to the back of the head, behind the ears, neck, armpits, palms, torso, groin, buttocks, legs. Then turn the baby over and wash the back and neck from the back.
Step 8
Pay close attention to the position of the child during the procedure. Water should not get into his ears and even more so into his mouth. Therefore, the baby should be on the bather's left forearm.
Step 9
Finally, pour boiled water over the child from a jug, the temperature of which should be 1-2 degrees lower than in the bath. Wrap your baby in a towel over his head.