Why Does The Baby Withdraw Into Himself

Why Does The Baby Withdraw Into Himself
Why Does The Baby Withdraw Into Himself

Shy, uncommunicative, gloomy - this is exactly what introverted children are. It is clear that introverted children are not shy, they simply do not know how to make acquaintances or, maybe, be afraid to do it. But why do children withdraw?

Why does the baby withdraw into himself
Why does the baby withdraw into himself

Main reasons

Closed children are people in a case. That is, they admit into their quiet and calm world only certain people whom they have trusted and who are allowed to enter. Many parents say that the child matured early, and this child is no match for their child, but they are proudly mistaken.

Prematurity. Another reason for the sharp isolation is that the child is born prematurely and, due to premature birth, is placed in a special box. So, being in this box also makes children withdrawn. At least this is the conclusion reached by qualified doctors.

Problems. We are not talking about permanent, but about temporary problems, in which the isolation also appears for a short time and goes away. It could be fatigue, some kind of unresolved problem, or gloominess.

Bullying. This is one of the most popular reasons for the isolation of a schoolchild. Without a doubt, everyone is familiar with situations in which a child, because of the external, can be called bespectacled, fat, red-haired or some other offensive words. A confident child can fight back, but such cases are the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, children who constantly endure giggles and bullying in this address, simply build a wall and withdraw into themselves.

Parental quarrels. Another popular reason lies in family relationships. Incredibly, when Mom and Dad fight, the child blames himself. In the opinion and pure faith of the child, parents should love, not quarrel and not swear. Therefore, since he considers himself guilty, he simply becomes invisible so that he no longer becomes the cause of new quarrels.

Communication with classmates. Lack of communication with peers is also a reason for withdrawal. There can be many reasons for a lack of communication, but the most popular are:

  • frequent illness and, as a result, frequent absenteeism;
  • parents' confidence that it is too early to send a child to kindergarten, preferring a grandmother or a nanny to him;
  • frequent moving.

As a result, the child simply cannot or does not have time to properly adapt to the society around him. Only healthy and nimble kids run around him, who can take away a toy from him. It is clear that the child will be confused from this and will conclude that it would be better for him to be quiet and inconspicuous.

How can problems be solved?

Help. Of course, the problems and reasons for isolation must be clarified by psychologists without fail, but after all, parents can also help by communicating with the child. You do not need to look at the age of your child, you need to pay maximum attention to him. Any child really needs the right support from the parents.

Praise. No one hesitates to compliment your child again. It is very difficult for children to understand success, so for the child to know that he did something good and right, he should be praised to increase his self-esteem.

Invite guests as often as possible. In order for the child to get used to different people and society, guests should be invited. And even better if the guests come with their children. So children become more liberated within the walls of their home even faster.

Diversity. Try to diversify your child's life with hikes, excursions, or visits to places of interest.

No orders. Do you want to know the reason for a child's bad mood? Ask your child about this in the most calm and quiet voice.
