At all times, names were given a special, almost mystical meaning. For example, in the East, at birth, a baby was given two names at once in order to confuse evil forces. One of the names was false and the other was true. Noble nobles of Japan "rewarded" their children with impartial names, nicknames "lame" or "foundling" in order to scare away dark spirits.

There have been and still exist to this day many signs and superstitions associated with names. It is believed that it is impossible to give a child the name of one of the parents or close relatives, since the guardian angel cannot protect two people in the same house from troubles and misfortunes. And practice, by the way, shows that people with such names as Boris Borisovich or Alexander Alexandrovich grow up capricious, unbalanced and unlucky.
The tradition of naming a child according to the calendar is returning. Saints are a calendar of saints revered on a specific day. According to church canons, there are no happy and unlucky names, but there are names that do not correspond to the name of the saint revered on that day. And it is not at all a sin to call the girl by a man's name, for example, Eugene or Valeria. Many Christian names in the calendar have both masculine and feminine forms. Even people like Anatoly, Cyril and Pavel are applicable to the female gender - Anatoly, Cyril and Paul. If your child's name is not in the calendar, then at baptism he will be called another, which is similar in sound, for example, Karina - Kira, Diana - Daria, Ruslan - Roman. Do you want to name your child according to the rules of the Christmastide calendar or check if your name and the names of your loved ones correspond to the church canons?
For those parents who do not believe in horoscopes, signs and do not try to comply with church rules and Orthodox canons, we can only advise one thing - follow common sense when choosing a name for your child.
• Choose a name that is not very exotic. Give preference to the one that will be consonant with the patronymic and surname.
• If the surname or patronymic is difficult to pronounce, then the name should be beautiful, but short.
• The boy's name is the patronymic of his future children. Remember this.
• Say the full name, its short and sweet version. Like? Choose what you like so as not to say its full version a hundred times a day in the future.
The most important thing when choosing a name for a child is to rely on your own opinion, and not on the opinion of numerous grandmothers, grandfathers, relatives and other "advisors".