Parents always approach the choice of a name for their baby with special care. Because they want him to be healthy, beautiful and happy in the future. Often, when choosing a particular name, parents argue, someone is guided by simply sympathy for its sound, and someone wants to name it after relatives or famous people.

Step 1
Try to find the interpretation of the names. This will help you choose between several options. Currently, there is enough literature that describes the interpretation of names with their influence on a person's character.
Step 2
Ask family and friends what they would like to name your baby. Maybe they will help you in your choice and offer their options.
Step 3
Check out the 2011 rating of modern names on the Internet. Use universal online assistants that will help you find a name that is consonant with a patronymic and surname.
Step 4
You can name the child according to the church calendar. The name given on the Day of the Angel protects a person throughout his life and almost completely corresponds to the characteristics of his character. To do this, open the calendar and see what names are inscribed on your baby's birthday, and choose the most suitable from all the proposed ones.
Step 5
Take an interest in old Russian and church names, for example, such as: Pelageya, Adam, Trofim, Vladislav, Yaroslav, Ippolit and others. Or give your child an original and exotic name that will be in harmony with the patronymic and surname. Recently, the names Edward, Jeanne, Robert, Carolina, Lily, etc. have become very common.
Step 6
When choosing a name, pay attention to signs, for example, that you should not name a child after a person who is currently living, since he can repeat his fate, as well as the names of deceased relatives.
Step 7
If you are still in doubt about how to name your baby, remember that it is not a name that makes a person, but a person makes a name.