To baptize or not baptize a child? Almost all parents face this intractable question, especially when it comes to families where parents are of different religions. In order to make a more balanced decision, you should find out in more detail what the rite of baptism is and what it makes sense.

Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church. What is a sacrament? It is believed that during the rite of Baptism, the grace of God descends on a person. A person is purified and born for spiritual life. The rite of Baptism takes place by immersing the baby in a font of holy water three times; if an adult is already baptized, then by washing it three times. The priest says certain prayers and quotes from the Holy Scriptures. When baptized, a pectoral cross is worn around the neck, which accompanies a person all his life and serves as a talisman. There is an opinion that baptized children are calmer and less susceptible to all kinds of diseases.
After baptism, the baby has a godmother and a godfather, who, ideally, are obliged to engage in the spiritual education of their godson, to join the Orthodox Church. In practice, it turns out quite differently and rarely "godparents" realize their responsibility.
In most cases, babies are baptized on the 40th day after birth, but there are exceptions: if a child was born sickly or his health is in danger, then the priest can perform the ceremony earlier.
Should babies be baptized?
According to the Orthodox tradition, it is believed that a child remains sinless until the age of seven. Until this age, he is not aware of his actions and, therefore, a child under seven years old does not make sense to confess. Against such a judgment is the fact that every person is already born with original sin, and the rite of baptism cleanses him.
Another argument against infant baptism is that parents deny the child the right to choose. The decision about whether to be baptized should be made independently by a person. On the other hand, parents choose toys and books for their children, instill life concepts and this is not considered violence. In any case, the choice remains with the parents and in this matter it is better not to listen to anyone and carefully weigh all the arguments "for" and "against".
How was baptized in antiquity
It is known that before the 6th century, baptism was often accepted in adulthood. At that time, great importance was attached to the consciously made decision of a person to enter the bosom of the Church. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom were baptized after completing their education, and Gregory the Theologian at the age of 30.
The preparation of adults for baptism was called "catechism" and could take up to three years. Before the ceremony, a 40-day fast was supposed, and the entire Christian community was fasting.
However, already at the Council of Carthage (IV century) there is anathema against the rejecting baptism of infants and newborn children. The modern Orthodox Church welcomes baptism at an early age.