During the birth of the baby, since ancient times, people paid attention to what was happening around. They believed that the fate of the child will necessarily be associated with the phenomena of nature that are observed at that moment. When choosing a name, they also proceeded from this, believing that it would have an impact on the entire future life of a person.

Step 1
In the reflection of the child's name, there was a bright star that appeared in the sky, a sudden rain, snow, a bright sun. It is no coincidence that many of the names that parents of their babies call now are translated as "bright", "clean", "fast", etc.
Step 2
When choosing a child's name, you can turn to astrology. A specialist in this field will tell you how the interconnections of the surrounding world developed at the time of the birth of the baby, help you choose one of the numerous list of names that will suit your child. In addition, with the help of astrology, you can find out the strengths and weaknesses of a person, approaches to his upbringing and communication.
Step 3
When choosing the name of the baby, astrologers are guided by the location of the planets. The newborn baby horoscope is a cosmic drawing. During the baby. Thus, the position of the nine planets at the moment of birth is a person's personal horoscope.
Step 4
In astrology, all psychological types of people are divided into 12 types, known to us as the signs of the zodiac. Each sign of the zodiac has certain names. This combination more accurately reflects the characteristics of each person. This horoscope is based on the Sun. He gives a real definition of personality traits, if other planets that were located at the time of birth do not have a strong influence on him.
Step 5
As a rule, the planets do affect the characteristics of a person. Therefore, the name of the child will only partially correspond to the sign of the zodiac, having certain deviations. Sometimes the birth of a child occurs at a time when a name can be chosen between two signs of the zodiac.