When introducing vegetable complementary foods, it is important to remember that only those products that are typical for a particular area are suitable for a child, and this should be done taking into account the age of the baby.

Step 1
You need to introduce complementary foods only from those vegetables that are quickly digested and do not cause allergies in babies. Vegetables such as squash, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and potatoes or sweet potatoes are perfect for children who are 4, 5 months old. If your baby is already 5 months old, you can give him cabbage, beets and pumpkin. In the event that the components do not cause an allergic reaction in the infant, you can start mixing them. At the age of 6 months, the baby can be fed with carrots and tomatoes, but you need to be careful with the second ingredient. At 7 months you can add peas to food, at 8 - spinach, onions and garlic (after heat treatment), at 9 months you can feed your child with dill, parsley and celery, and after a year you can use legumes and radishes as complementary foods, turnips and fresh cucumbers.
Step 2
If earlier the introduction of complementary foods began with fruit juice, now pediatricians advise starting it with vegetables. You can make your own puree for your child using a blender. The fact is that many fruits can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, in addition, after his first sweet food, the baby may refuse fresh vegetables.
Step 3
When introducing complementary foods, it should be remembered that it is necessary to give the child a new product only when the baby's health is in perfect order. You should beware of innovations during travel, acclimatization, preventive vaccinations and hot weather. So that your child does not refuse such food, you need to give it from a spoon, and before breastfeeding, otherwise the child, being full, will refuse complementary foods.
Step 4
The first introduction of a new product should be during the day, so that later you can accurately track the child's reaction to unfamiliar food. If something goes wrong, you should not only stop the introduction of complementary foods, but also seek help from a specialist. Remember that you cannot mix the ingredients at the very beginning of the feeding, otherwise, in the event of an allergic reaction, you will not be able to understand which product provoked it.
Step 5
The introduction of vegetable complementary foods begins with one teaspoon per day, lasts for 7-10 days, gradually increasing the amount of food consumed up to 150 g. At the age of one year, the amount of the introduced product in the second week can reach two hundred grams.