Vegetable puree is a completely new and rather unusual dish for a child. Therefore, the first acquaintance with new food must be made as pleasant and safe as possible for the baby's health.

Step 1
To avoid problems, get a soft spoon for feeding. Do not force the child to eat, just calmly place a spoonful of vegetable puree to your lips and wait for the child to take it into his mouth on his own. Be prepared for a long time to feed.
Step 2
Vegetables are able to activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in them contributes to its functioning and the establishment of the production of enzymes. In addition, the baby, along with vegetable puree, receives natural vitamins and nutrients.
Step 3
For children who are bottle-fed, it is recommended to give vegetable puree from 5 months. And children who are breastfed - from 6 months. After 7 months, the yolk can be injected, starting with a small amount and gradually increasing the volume to ½ teaspoon.
Step 4
Vegetable puree does not take long to prepare, so it should be cooked just before feeding.
Step 5
The sweetest and easiest vegetables for a child's stomach are carrots and pumpkin. They are able to normalize bowel function and contain vitamin A, which is very beneficial for eyesight. But keep in mind that brightly colored vegetables can cause allergic reactions in children. This also applies to tomatoes.
Step 6
Mashed peas and beans will be very useful. But it is not recommended to feed them to children up to 7-8 months. They contain specific sugars and plant fibers that can cause colic and irritation of the intestinal mucosa. In addition, it is better to mix this puree with other vegetables, and not give it in pure form.
Step 7
The introduction of mashed potatoes should be carried out alternately, with an interval of at least 3 days. If you have introduced several vegetables, and the child is not allergic, you can give him a vegetable platter.
Step 8
Be sure to wash vegetables before cooking with running water, rub with a stiff brush and leave in clean water for 20-30 minutes. Cook unpeeled over low heat. After cooking, rub them on a fine grater or chop them in a blender. You can mix the finished puree with breast milk or formula.
Step 9
At the first stage of introducing vegetable puree into the child's diet, give him 1 teaspoon of a one-component dish. Then gradually increase the portion. A child can eat about 150-200 grams of vegetable puree at a time.