Translated from Greek, the name Artem means "impeccably healthy." Unfortunately, it is very difficult for Artyom to find the perfect match by name, because of his unusually strong energy.

Characteristic features of Artyom
Despite the meaning of the name, in childhood Artyom is very often sick, since his body at this stage of life does not cope well with viruses. However, as he grows up, health problems bother Artyom less and less, often, even in extreme old age, the owners of this name are distinguished by remarkable health.
Artem is a very calm, obedient child, it may seem that he is even too apathetic. Artem doesn't like outdoor games too much, preferring to watch them from the sidelines. At school, it is very important for Artyom to be successful in his studies, although he does not strive to become the first student in the class. He is not afraid to ask for help from others if something does not work out for him. Often in high school, Artem insists on a tutor on his own in order to be able to properly prepare for exams. At the same time, he is not chasing fives, the position of a strong "good" is enough for him.
In adulthood, Artyom easily forges connections with others, although sometimes his fear of appearing too intrusive leads to a cooling of friendships or even love relationships. Artyom is sincerely attached to people who show him their location.
Artyom will not make a careerist, it is important for him to love his job and do it as well as possible, but he will never go over his head. The owners of this name make good doctors, scientists, junior and middle managers, they just need to feel in their place and be of maximum benefit.
Choosing a companion
With the right partner, Artyom's personal life is developing as well as possible. From the owner of this name, an ideal spouse is obtained, who is ready to help his beloved wife, take on unpleasant affairs, maintain a house or apartment in perfect condition. Artem has a very clear idea of what an ideal husband should be, and he tries to correspond to them.
Artyom and Tamara or Artyom and Anna will have an ideal relationship. Both of these female names have a very soft, but at the same time strong energy, which is ideally combined with the vibrations of the name Artem. In a harmonious relationship, Artyom and Anna or Artyom and Tamara support each other, rarely conflict and manage to easily solve the most difficult situations.
Relations between Artyom and Maya, Marina or Zinaida will be especially unfortunate. These female names have insufficient energy potential, so Artem can simply "crush" them.