For a long time, the roles of spouses in the family have been clearly defined. The husband was supposed to feed and support the family, the wife was supposed to run the household. However, at present the situation has changed radically: women work on an equal basis with men. But there are those individuals of the fair sex who are sitting at home, doing housework and children.

Reproaches from men
In a number of countries, including Russia, many women have long been working on an equal basis with their husbands and making a significant (and sometimes even greater) contribution to the family budget. The same wives who “in the old fashioned way” only deal with the house, often feel moral discomfort, and sometimes they still listen to the reproaches of their husbands: they say you don’t work, you sit on a man’s neck. But is the housewife really a freeloader?
Reproaches for freelogging are offensive and unfair. Of course, scientific and technological progress made life easier for a woman housewife, especially one living in the city. She no longer has to manually wash and rinse clothes, carry water from a well, heat the stove with wood, etc. A number of difficult and tedious procedures are done for her by household appliances. However, the house is not kept in order by itself. A woman housewife needs to put things in their places, and dust, and wash the floors. Not to mention buying groceries, bringing them home, and preparing meals. In addition, even though almost any house now has a washing machine, dirty laundry must first be collected, sorted, put into the machine, set the washing program, and then taken out and hung up to dry. And the dried laundry still needs to be ironed.
All this activity takes both time and effort. Therefore, when a housewife hears reproaches for freelogging, she is justly offended.
True, sometimes such reproaches are justified. Indeed, there are those housewives who do not bother themselves with housework, preferring to lead an idle, carefree life at the expense of their husbands. But there are exceptions to any rule.
In addition, among working men, not all are hard workers, caring fathers of families.
What does a housewife do
A mother-housewife, along with the above-mentioned duties, takes care of children and their upbringing. And this is a very difficult job that takes a lot of strength, both physical and mental. When children grow up and go to school, the mother is faced with additional problems related to monitoring their progress, helping in solving problems related to school, etc. Therefore, the status of a housewife should by no means be considered secondary, insignificant. After all, such a woman is busy with a very important and useful business. Often, a woman housewife is engaged in home work, for example, knitting to order, sewing things. In this case, it will simply not turn one's tongue to accuse her of parasitism.