Loss of mutual understanding occurs when one of the parties, consciously or not, does not seek to strengthen the already established relationship. This leads to quarrels, prolonged silence, distance and loss of connection with each other.

Step 1
Don't hide your feelings. Express them not only in words, but also through actions. If it became difficult for you to understand each other, remember what kind of relationship you had when you just started to be together. Try to focus on the personal feelings that you experienced at that time, and also think about what qualities of yours were able to attract a loved one to you. These kinds of memories are useful both for a couple in love and for restoring mutual understanding between parents and children or good friends.
Step 2
Trust each other. Try to talk more about what excites you, makes you happy, etc. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, not many people pay attention to this, but only with the help of words can you understand the feelings and state of mind of another person. Silence is golden, but this rule can hardly be called appropriate when loved ones need moral support, are sad for no reason, or simply begin to move away from you.
Step 3
If you stopped understanding each other because of a quarrel, do not shift the blame for what happened only on other people's shoulders and do not blame external circumstances. Start debriefing with yourself. Why did you do that and not otherwise? What could be the reason that a friend or loved one refused to understand you? What would you do if you were in his place? After such an analysis, be sure to draw conclusions from your own thoughts and try not to repeat mistakes.
Step 4
Understanding does not come to people just like that, if they do nothing for this. Don't be afraid to offer your friendship to someone or lend a helping hand. And if you have lost your old relationship with your loved one, do not be ashamed to take the first step to rectify the situation. Make it clear to the person that you do not want to throw away feelings that are truly dear to you. Perhaps for this you will need not only to seek personal meetings, but also to change something in your own behavior.