How to understand that the time spent with another person has come to an end, the relationship has exhausted itself and is no longer developing? And most importantly, what to do if this understanding has already appeared?

Sometimes it seems that love at first sight really exists, but then it turns out that people simply "did not agree on characters." So how to avoid a traumatic condition for the human psyche and break the bonds in time that give nothing more to partners?
The first step is to figure out what can serve as a serious reason for parting, because everyday problems and problems of habits can be solved for both parties. Of course, each person has his own habits and rules by which he lives - this is what makes us different to one degree or another. Therefore, you should not inflate the conflict because of different views on things. However, there are things that signal that the relationship is really about to end.
Boring together
Of course, the whole life cannot be a holiday consisting of everyday romance and fun, but if suddenly the partners feel bored, this is not a reason for parting, this is just an excuse to discover new facets of your soulmate. But if it becomes constantly and unbearably boring with your partner, there is nothing to talk about, nothing to keep silent about, it is best to end such a relationship.
Intimate life
Often, dissatisfaction with one of the partners in sex also leads to an unstable relationship in the future. Both physiological and psychological characteristics can play a role here.
It should be borne in mind that the difference in temperaments is not always an irreparable problem. Indeed, with age, the level of temperament changes in both men and women. In addition, with a high degree of mutual trust, most of the problems in this area can be solved. However, if one of the partners or both are not ready to discuss, make concessions and look for "common ground" in the intimate sphere, sooner or later sexual dissatisfaction will lead to tension in relations, possible betrayal, and dissatisfaction with each other.
Complete indifference
Partners have stopped talking to each other, avoid contact, stop thinking about each other. The worst thing that can happen to a person is indifference. Joy at the meeting, tears from the pain caused by another person, or even anger - all this suggests that people are not indifferent to each other. Indifference is the most important factor in the separation of a man and a woman.
What's next
If the relationship has exhausted itself, two people took everything they could from each other, and further development is impossible, it is very important to realize this in time and let each other go with gratitude. There is no point in engaging in mutual accusations and reproaches - this is unconstructive and will not lead to anything good. If two people have been together for a while, it means that they were needed by each other during this period - and, besides, it means that they were good enough for each other. This means that the experience of past relationships was beneficial for both.